Author: Steve Porter
"I restore the crushed spirit of the humble and revive the courage of those with repentant hearts." (Isaiah 57:15)
Rise up, Man and Woman of God! Rise Up! Shake off that slumbering spirit—there is a mighty warrior within you that needs to awaken! Submit to God; make the choice today to become that person of God, to honor God, and pursue virtue, purity, and holiness.
You say you’ve blown it big time and you’re drowning in the mire of your poor choices? Is it too late? Can God restore my heart? Can I once again walk in purity and holiness before the Lord? YES, you can! YES, you will! YES, He is able! He is the God of the second chance! We all desperately need this revelation, so grab hold of it with all that’s in you.
Begin today by letting go of your obsession with the past, where captives stay bound in the prison of their own making. Stop looking back with regret, and instead press on! Yes, PRESS ON! Press forward past the blunders of the past, press on through the guilt and the shame, and press on through the confusion and doubt. He is already standing there bidding you come to the secret place; He is ready to blot out your sins with His holy blood. He is ready to make all things new in your life. He is ready to restore your honor and give you a fresh, new start.
Your past may cause you to feel "crushed and overwhelmed" beyond your ability to endure, thinking you’ll never get past it, yet humble yourself before your God! Stretch out on the floor, desperate before Him, and share your deepest desire for Him alone. Unload your heartache and brokenness at the foot of His cross and leave it there so He can raise you up brand new.
The Lord responds to a broken, humble heart, to a soul that knows how to repent and admit where it missed the mark. As we rid ourselves of layers of self-love, control and pride, we are clothed anew with the beauty of the Lord.
He desires to restore you and revive your spirit. He desires for you to begin again. Let me say it once more: only humble yourself before the mighty hand of God and:
"...then the LORD your God will restore your fortunes. He will have mercy on you and gather you back from all the nations where he has scattered you." (Deuteronomy 30:3)
I say again, you no longer need to hang your head with guilt and shame; once you have confessed and forsaken your sin, you are a brand new creation in Christ Jesus, and through His shed blood He has made you righteous. And when the devil comes to accuse you of things you’ve done in the past, use your authority to tell him he’s talking to the wrong person, because you are a blood-washed child of God. When you stand up to him and testify to what Jesus did, Satan will have to flee, because the only power he has against you is when he can convince you his lies are true. Refuse to believe a negative word, because Jesus took everything to the cross, and wants to restore to us everything that was lost when Adam sinned. Live as if it is so, because it is!
Because of your longing and love for Him, you will walk in the Spirit again as you pursue faithfulness to Him alone, giving Him first place in your life. Picture this: He gently calls your name, and you approach the Lord. Rays of splendor pour from his hands and heart, and His face shines with a love so pure it drives you to tears; His voice is like the sound of many waters running through your soul when He sings a song of rejoicing over the very day you were born, and His presence captivates you with incredible joy and peace.
He says over you even now:
“I am your Father… You are my child… I have never stopped loving you, even while you were turned away. Because you have humbled yourself and repented I will restore all that locusts have eaten, and through my blood you are made whole!"
Steve Porter
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