As He Is so Are We- Apostle
Exploring Jesus operating in the 5 fold ministry gift, focusing on the apostle.
Power of Prayer Part 2
Given at a Bible college in Northwest Pennsylvania to students on the subject of prayer and...
Mary's Story part 2
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on the birth of Jesus. He had a humble birth...
The Blood Covenant by Pastor Missy Beik
Message 1 Part 1 Original Sin, Back to the Garden
The Manifest Presence Part 2
The vital importance of “personally knowing the Lord,” and the “reality of His manifest presence.”
They Did Not Quit
Patricia King interviews Roberts Liardon about many of God's Generals in the faith.
The Truth about Salvation P2
The Truth about Salvation & the Baptism of the Holy Spirit Part 2
Possibly the most important message that any believer can hear: how God's grace keeps us...
Message 3 - Gift Of Discerning Of Spirits by Pastor Missy Beik
Exciting biblical examples of the importance of knowing what spirt you are dealing with.
Children & Supernatural
Iverna offers deep wisdom on children and the fascination with the supernatural today. How to...
Casting Out Devils
Every believer should know how to cast out devils and this 2 hour teaching gives you the simple...
Kingdom Wealth
Dr. Pat Francis shares one of the most dynamic and impactful messages Patricia King has ever...
Fresh Presence Movement - audio
James Goll shares prophetic insight about the presence of the Lord pouring out over the nations...
Principles of Powerful People
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding, continues to teach on how to be a powerful person....
God, Your Daddy
Getting rid of false perceptions of who God is so we can be drawn into a relationship.