Possibly the most important message that any believer can hear: how God's grace keeps us...
The Greatest of this is LOVE by Pastor Missy Beik
Let this teaching from the Word of God redefine for you what true love is. Paul is very open in...
Message 3 - Gift Of Discerning Of Spirits by Pastor Missy Beik
Exciting biblical examples of the importance of knowing what spirt you are dealing with.
The Blood Covenant by Pastor Missy Beik
Message 1 Part 1 Original Sin, Back to the Garden
Twenty Ways to Get Healed Part 2
Six more ways to get healed by faith and laying on of hands.
What Your Dreams Are Telling You
Patricia King interviews Cindy McGill about the power of your dreams and what they are telling you.
Caught Up To Heaven
Patricia King interviews Tony Kemp about his experience of being caught up to heaven.
Kingdom Wealth
Dr. Pat Francis shares one of the most dynamic and impactful messages Patricia King has ever...
Only Say The Word
Stacey Campbell shares a testimony about a miracle she witnessed in Brazil.
The Mystery part 3
Pastor Mike Harding teaches on the mystery of God's love through the story of Rebekah,...
'Working of Miracles by Pastor Missy Beik
Different kinds of miracles we can operate in.
Trust and Surrender
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding explains how surrender to God moves you into deeper...
The Manifest Presence Part 2
The vital importance of “personally knowing the Lord,” and the “reality of His manifest presence.”
In The Midst
Patricia King interviews Katie Souza about the power and presence of the Lord.
Proclaim His Goodness part1
Goodness is who God is and when we Proclaim God's goodness we can watch him show up to...
God, Your Daddy
Getting rid of false perceptions of who God is so we can be drawn into a relationship.