Power of Prayer Part 2
Given at a Bible college in Northwest Pennsylvania to students on the subject of prayer and...
The Substance of Fathering
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding explains the importance of gaining identity and...
Mary's Story part 2
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on the birth of Jesus. He had a humble birth...
As He Is So Are We
Jesus has a teacher's heart to know God revealed through the rhema word of the scriptures.
Fearless Living, Overcoming Trauma and Phobias
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding, continues his fearless living series with how to be...
Working of Miracles - Message 2 - by Pastor Missy Beik
Explaining through biblical scriptures the gift of Working of Miracles resulting in physical...
The Author and Finisher
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding shares that God has a good plan and destiny for your...
The Truth about Salvation P2
The Truth about Salvation & the Baptism of the Holy Spirit Part 2
Metal Disolved
Randy Clark shares amazing testimonies of the miraculous power of God and how heaven is touching...
Jan continues to describe the healing and recovery process of survivors of sexual abuse.
He Overcame Death
On the cross Jesus overcame every sickness and disease including death. It is available for you too.
My Food is to do His Will
When we fall in love with God it is our hunger and desire to do His will.
What Are you Focused On
Pastor Marcy shares about Focusing on Jesus instead of your circumstances brings the miraculous.
God's Wisdom for Relationships and Leadership
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches about the character and nature of God that...
Discover Love, Love Boldly
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding shares how continually discovering God's love...