Greater Awakening Part 2
When a nation is founded and follows the ways of God, it is blessed. It prospers. But what...
Kingdom Wealth
Dr. Pat Francis shares one of the most dynamic and impactful messages Patricia King has ever...
Position Prosperity
Patricia King interviews Joshua Mills about his book Positional Prosperity.
Proclaim His Goodness part4
God reveals himself as Jehovah Rapha our healer. Healing is flowing from and is available to you.
My Food is to do His Will
When we fall in love with God it is our hunger and desire to do His will.
The Gift of Working of a Miracle by Pastor Missy Beik
This working of a miracle happened because of a covenant between Jonathan and David. King David...
Connecting People to God's Heart
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding discusses how we are relational ambassadors for Christ.
That I May Know Him!
A special message by Steve Porter given in South Africa at a conference
Two Root Systems that will Make You Prosper
Two revelations every Christian must walk in to prosper I am loved and I am righteous.
The Incomplete Church
Sid Roth shares how when God wanted to reach the world, He started with Abraham & Jesus...
Stay On Track 2
Patricia King & Iverna Tompkins talk about the importance of spiritual mothers and fathers.
Top 4 things Jesus Taught His Discpiles-#2 Kingdom part 2
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding continues to explore Jesus' teachings on the...
Glory and the Endtimes Part 1
Joshua Mills joins Patricia King to discuss what God is saying about the End Times right now –...
The Father's Love
Hear about the Father's love for you and learn how to get rid of the junk in the trunk and...
'The Gift of Working of Miracles-Finances by Pastor Missy Beik
Do you need a financial miracle? This message will build your faith, that the time is now for...