The Power of the Cross - Where Divine EXCHANGE Took Place
The Supernatural Power of Self-Love
Logos vs. Rhema and Hearing God’s Voice
The Lord’s Supper – Symbol or Sacrament?
Miracles Occur When COMPLETELY Aligned with Rhema and Vision from God
After Three Decades Suffering from Poor Digestion, One Year of Focused Effort Brings Breakthrough!
The Lord wants you to live in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ. He deeply...
What God wants is a population boom in the body of Christ, and in order to have that, He has to...
Discover Your Unique Passion and Giftings as These Pave the Way for Your Success
Does the Bible REALLY Say “Study to Show Yourself Approved”?
If I Add Whole-Brain Learning to Heart Revelation, What Do I Get?
Revelation in Times of Confinement by Bill Dupley
Participate in Spreading The Current Revival of Spiritual Intimacy (An EASY Step)
Shawn Bolz Interviews Mark Virkler on "Exploring the Prophetic" Vodcast
Intercessors are to be clothed with Christ, know their calling and gifting, understand levels...
reflections on education
move and minister from a foundation of genuine love and humility, earnestly desire the best...
How Does the Bible Say Truth Is Discovered?
Discussion on the power and value of modern-day encounters with Him.
Jesus Dancing – A Shared Vision
After the girls started going to heaven, they were always on the front row at church; first ones...
The Church Need Not Fear the Rise of Evil Men as God Will Deal with Them
Cyndi answers one reader's question about curses sent against Christians.
Word for Orlando
Charismatic witchcraft is when people use the power of prayer or a spiritual gift to force their...
King David’s Instruction to Angels
Deborah Kingzett shares what God has taught her about how to walk confidently by faith.