Author: Steve Porter
It was 1991 and I hurried down the stairs of my dorm at Pinecrest Bible Training Center. Pinecrest was tucked away in the Adirondack Mountains of Salisbury Center, NY. My mandate was clear that evening, to spend a few minutes with Wade Taylor and receive prayer.
The line at his office door was lengthy, and the wait certain. I fell into the couch prepared for the delay. I was accustomed to the long lines every evening to see our Bible College President. My deep hunger inside me told me it would be worth the wait.
Wade Taylor had something special. He had a unique walk with His God, he carried the manifest presence. His deeper walk encouraged me to pursue God for myself, to also obtain an abiding manifest presence in my own life.
After about an hour and a quarter I was ushered in his office. Brother Taylor greeted me warmly; I nervously walked to a special spot in his office he loved to pray for people. He took my hands and prayed, “Give Steve a special anointing to speak from his heart, and a gift to write and communicate.” All at once the manifest presence came and I felt the tangible power of God surge through my arms and body. The prayer was heart felt as I sensed the nearness of God in that office that evening.
I quickly left his office after giving him my thanks, he encouraged me to keep visiting him and believed God was active in my life. I climbed the two flights of stairs to my dorm and entered my room. I fell into my bed and lay their silent. I still sensed the nearness of God as my body literally vibrated under the power of God. I felt a heat surging through me. A fire was burning through my soul and I knew I had received fresh impartation.
I climbed out of bed and knelt before the Lord, basking in His presence. I pledged my very life to the Lord. I asked him if I could carry the presence of God too. The Lord responded by giving me an even deeper hunger for more. This hunger kept me going to Wade Taylor’s office sometimes nightly. I always ended up on my face before the Lord in my dorm room into the stillness of the night.
It has been 23 years since those nights at Pinecrest. I vividly remember those nights with Brother Taylor as the flames of fire were fanned in my life. I remember lying on my face in my dorm basking in the glory of the Lord for hours. I was transformed by the manifest presence of God. A fire for the deeper things of the Spirit still burns from within, sparked by those times spent with him in prayer.
I will always be grateful to Brother Taylor. I love him very much, he had been my spiritual father for 20 + years. He was never to "big" or busy to invest in my life. Words can not express how much I miss him. Wade was a true spiritual father, he was always just a phone call away, his prayers were powerful and his love always felt. It brings me to tears every time I think about the difference he made in my life over the years I had known him. I will see him again in eternity.
I still remember the last time I seen him before his passing the next spring. We had spoken at a conference together in upstate NY. We made the long drive together and had such meaningful conversation during our trip. When we arrived back at his home in DC we prayed together and had communion, then we took the train to the airport. At the airport he told me how much the trip together had meant to him and invited me to come see him again. He stood there as I went through the gate to catch my plane. His humility and the presence he carried affected me as we said our goodbyes. I was the one to be blessed from the trip, what a honor to be a friend of Brother Taylor.
Those that know him appreciate his great humility and devotion to the Lord. I was always amazed how he never made a grand entrance when he spoke and never allowed body guards or assistants to surround him, nor did he walk in to the meetings with a stylish last entrance. He allowed no one to bring attention to himself nor anyone to call him by his title Dr. Taylor. He always preferred just Brother. I believe many in the body of Christ could learn from this humble man of God. I honor you Wade! You are a treasure to the body of Christ!
His books and Material still blesses us today. His 3 children Nancy, Bill and Joanne continue his legacy through different aspects of his ministry. (click on their names for more info)
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