Waves of Compassion in an Ocean of Love
The Entire Church Is Lying in a Hospital Bed - By Elizabeth Ellynshaw
In a Confused World, Jesus Clearly Explains How One Can Come to TRUTH
Permission Granted: What God Says About Engaging Angels
Kingdom Emotions Release Kingdom Power
Jesus Laughing
Part Five - Ever So SLOWLY Learning About Blood Pressure
When God reveals something, there’s an opportunity to question it. Unbelief wants to make the...
Whitney Houston was not the only person who talked about Jesus yet struggled privately with...
Tent Time - A FREE Children's Curriculum Based on 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice
Cyndi Foster explains what it means to bind up the brokenhearted.
A Stroll Along the Sea of Galilee
#MeToo - Seven Ways to Heal the Scars of Sexual Abuse
God anointed you with the oil of gladness, We are anointed with the Holy Spirit and joy, when we...
5 Ways to Make Vision Easier
This past Friday I wrote my last line, placed my last piece of footage on my editing timeline, a...
The River of Life - Journaling by George Strawbridge
“I Don’t Push Salvation Because It’s Not the Ministry Focus God Has Given Me”
Does Your Church Have a Safety Program in Place?
It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing.The words that I speak to you are...
People are bound up in sorrow grief and fear. The answer for that is JOY. End time awakening and...
What an Angel Wants
Children in Six Orphanages in Chiangmai, Thailand Learn to Hear God’s Voice
Bob Jones' Testimony From His August 8, 1976 Death Experience Note from Sandy...
Santa and the Supernatural
Why Doesn’t the Church Offer More Courses on Dreams, Deliverance or Miracles?
Michelle Clears Cellular Memories and Experiences Healing