Author: Mark Virkler
would like to share my story of cellular healing and what God has been doing further in my life through Dr. Mark Virkler’s post about Clearing Cellular Memories.
It all started my senior year of college when I faced a hard life event. During this time I realized I was using a friend subconsciously to suppress emotions that I didn’t understand myself. At first, I was depressed for three weeks. After, I was starting to understand how the Lord was teaching me to focus on the present and to rely on Him for my joy. However, something wasn’t right. Even though I was focusing on the present, I still felt emotions that I couldn’t explain. I knew there was something else going on.
Michelle Doyle
It was then that my mom found Dr. Virkler’s post and sent it to me. I started to complete the steps with the Holy Spirit, and it worked!!! I remember one of the first cellular memories I cleared out: my stomach was hurting. I went back into the scene with the Lord, and what I felt in the scene was EXACTLY how I felt at the current time. The Lord told me what to do and met me there. As soon as I completed that, I felt the stomachache and something spiritual lift immediately off me.
As I completed more cellular memory healing, I felt better and better. I felt like I didn’t have an emotional wall trying to push me around. However, there was even more that came out of this. I had been dealing with a bad itching on my leg for three years, and while what the doctors gave me to treat it helped to an extent, the itching continued coming back. However, as I was clearing out these emotional memories my body was containing, the itching healed more and more. Then one day I noticed that it was no longer there. Praise the Lord!!! In combination with clearing cellular memories and seeking the Lord for my everything, I have come from a pit to abundant freedom. My life is changed forever.
But the Lord kept working as He always does…
As I continued to use the cellular memory clearing at the Lord’s direction, I went to a conference of a healing ministry that was new to me. Many people were getting healed at this conference, but the Lord kept bringing me people who would say, “I was prayed over but nothing happened”, “I was prayed over, it went away, then came back”, or “Someone prayed over me and it got worse”. I remember one afternoon we were praying over this woman, and I heard the Lord say, “fear”. I knew that a fear she was holding was blocking the healing – there was an emotional root to her physical issue. So we walked through cellular memory with the Lord’s direction, and after about an hour and a half, she had 60% healing! Additionally, the Lord brought me about five people dealing with long-standing, unresolved healing. After the conference, I got on the phone with one of the women and she was completely healed after walking through this with the Lord! Praise God!
The last day of the conference as I was listening to the seminar about why people are not healed, I remember sitting in my seat knowing that there can be an emotional source to the issue that needs to be taken out. I then remember in that moment thinking, “Wait, we are called to walk like Jesus walked. I am pretty sure that the people He healed were dealing with emotional roots and it took Him seconds, maybe less, to heal them. He also did it completely meaning it didn’t come back. How did He do that?” That sparked questions in me that opened a whole new door.
As I presented these questions to the Lord, He showed me the power of speaking peace, love, joy, LIFE, etc. to situations and people. I also learned the importance of listening to the Holy Spirit when praying for healing. During this time and these past months, I have seen more healings both for others and myself after learning more with the Lord about cellular memory. One of the first questions I ask the Lord when I pray for healing now is whether this is purely physical, is there an emotional root, or is there something else going on? Recently, my friend had neck and back pain for a long time, and the Lord told me fear was the source. He then told me to speak peace to her neck and immediately her neck and back were healed. It hasn’t come back at all, and she was so excited because she has seen multiple chiropractors but she wasn’t getting full, long-lasting relief.
I am continuing to learn every day from the Lord and am excited to learn even more. The most important thing I learned in all this is ALWAYS follow the Holy Spirit and keep your eye on the Word of God.
I hope that this is a blessing to everyone! God’s abundant peace, joy, and blessings to you!
If you wish to contact Michelle, email her at [email protected].
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