
Curt Landry #1

Curt discusses loving those who hate Israel, celebrating the Biblical feasts, "one new...

Kim Clement #2

Kim discusses riddles, parables and dreams, both in prophecy in the Bible and the prophetic...

Lifeline Today with Dick and Joan, episode 9

Our guests are Bruce and Lara Merz. Bruce's testimony is of God's miraculous healing...

Homosexual Confusion - Pt 2

David completes this teaching on the various ways that homosexual confusion develops and the...

Heidi Baker Interview Part 1

Part 1 of an interview with Heidi Baker of Iris Ministries.

True Vs False Spiritual Power

There are only two sources of supernatural power, evil and divine. Listen as Bobby Conner...

Lifeline Today with Dick and Joan, episode 18

Our guest today is Evangelist Bill Prankard. Check out more about Dick and Joan Deweert on...

Be A Champion For Someone!

The thing holding the church back is that we're trying to heal Adam, rather than let him die.

Apostolic & Prophetic Oil Session 1

Patricia King teaches how the works that Jesus did, all believers can do. He gave some as...

Prophecies for Indonesia, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur

Mark Chironna gives a prophetic word for Indonesia, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. August 2012

Spanish-Ruth Graham-Broken Hearts

Billy Graham's daughter, Ruth, talks about the adultery and abuse that was a part of her...

Middle East Revival

In the wake of uprisings within the Middle East, God is pouring out His Spirit and raising a new...

The Future War Of The Church

Chuck discusses his book "The Future War of the Church", watching "with"...

Anchored In The Midst of Shakings

In times of trial, be not shaken, God is your refuge and your strength.

Spontaneous Worship

Kim talks of her journey from fear to freedom in leading spontaneous worship.

Understanding the Opposite Sex 1

Shaunti Feldhahn describes the results of research on male-female relationships that could...

June Hunt - How to Rise Above Abuse

June tells the story of her own sexual abuse as a child and offers advice on how to overcome the...

False Intimacy of Sex Sin Pt 2

Dr. Schaumburg describes the difference between the maintenance program that therapy provides...

Just In