
Patricia King

「全ての秘密を明かす時」 Paul Young Part2 - Pastor Commits Adultery

Paul Young, the author of "The Shack", shared his story of childhood sexual abuse and...

Seating The King

Theresa talks about the protocols of being in the presence of royalty.

Have The Faith Of God

How do we live out of the faith that we have? Where does that faith come from?

Raising of the Dead - David Hogan & Aaron Winter

In part 1 of the interview David Hogan tells Aaron Winter about the most bizarre and life...

Heavenly Realm

Patricia King teaches on the heavenly Realm. 2 Cor 4:18. Bobby Conner and Charlie Robinson give...

Psychics, New Age & Occult

Patrica King and Charlie Robinson share about the the real, the mixture and the false. Bobby...

The Pat McMahon Show

Katie shares her story with Pat McMahon.

Iverna Remix

Iverna Tompkin's message infuses life and hope into your soul to reach your destiny and...

Purity Thru Intimacy with God

Author of Hungry for More of God shares profound insights that point us all to finding freedom...

Leif Hetland- Healing the Orphaned Spirit -孤児の霊からの癒し

Leif tells the story of his search for love and affirmation during a broken childhood filled...

The Power Of Perspective

Patricia King on how your view of a situation can sometimes be tainted by your past. The power...

How to Love & Be Loved

Dr. Townsend discusses how to love and be loved - a key to finding freedom from brokenness of...

Lifeline Today with Dick and Joan, episode 45

Dick is speaking about Easter and the power of the cross of Christ.

Free from Porn/Strip Clubs

A story of sexual brokenness and an immoral lifestyle that eventually led Matthew to seek...

Get Out Of The Cage

Evangelist Joshua Hubbell uses insightful and humorous illustrations to show how Jesus has set...

A Fresh Epiphany

Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares prophetic insight for 2015. God lives in an ever present now. He...

Passover Teaching by Pastor Missy Beik

Passover Teaching by Pastor Missy Beik

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