
God Encounters

Experience more and more God encounters in your life and be released from intimidation and other...

Fearless Parenting

FEARLESS PARENTING presents the biblical guidelines and practical solutions to one of...

Lakeland Healing Explosion 2

Lakeland Healing Explosion 2

Art And The Christian Walk

Art And The Christian Walk

5 yr headache stops INSTANTLY

Watch amazing testimonies of healing miracles from migraines

Lifeline Today with Dick and Joan, episode 37

Dick and Joan share a portion of their story of failure and redemption. For the FULL story,...

The Power Of Restoration

We are in a situation right now that is covered with something that looks like humanity, but...

Faith Through Jesus Christ

True Faith Through Jesus Christ

Previniendo la Homosexualidad

Una discusión sobre las causas de la confusión homosexual y como los padres pueden criar a sus...

What is Prophecy?

Iverna teaches on what prophecy is, how it works, and how to recognize the real thing? Edify...

Healed! Severe Neck Pain Gone

Healed of neck and back pain!

Heridas y Maldiciones, Parte 2

Los principios de la sanación interior y la liberación aplicadas en problemas de adicción...

Angels on the Move

There is more angelic activity than ever before in this generation. Learn how you can become...


Kim shares on the passion that drives her to worship God.

A Harvest Of Nations

God is preparing us for the greatest move that is the earth has ever witnessed.

Power 4 Today Prophetic Word about Revival

March 14, 2013 During a Power Today Taping God moved on set and Ryan LeStrange delivered a...

5 Marks of False Grace

A false-grace doctrine is a drug—a poisonous sleeping pill that feels freeing and euphoric. John...

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