
Helping Sex Traffick Victims

Colette tells how she got involved in helping sex trafficking victims and what she believes...

Denny Cline

Denny discusses "presence evangelism", "marketplace prophecy",...

Pt 1 - Journal of a Sex Addict

Jonathan talks about the childhood influences that helped mold him into a major sex addict.

Why Fathers Are Important

Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares why fathers are important in a child's life and how Father God...

Seated In Heavenly Places Part 1

Part 1 of a teaching series on what it truly means to be seated with Christ.

Worthy Is The Lamb

An absolutely amazing song by Sharon Baker taken off the Heavenly Encounters album.

Song Writing

Skyler and Kim talk about how they write their songs.

Dutch Sheets

Dutch discusses his encounter with the spirit of Baal, what it is, how it affects society, and...

Homosexuality & the Church

Denominational politics surrounding homosexuality in the United Methodist Church & the...

Signs of the Times

The signs of the times: earthquakes, uprisings, floods, mysterious animal deaths, signs in...

Apostolic & Prophetic Oil Session #3

Patricia King teaches on the office and gift of the prophet.

Secret Place 19-22 Jan 2011

Find fullness, sufficiency and completeness in Christ as you spend time in the secret place and...

God in the Work Place

Jon McKenzie works with hard men and he shares how releasing the power of God in the work place...

「教会の超自然力の必要性」The need of the supernatural power in Church

ドクター・レニー・マックリーンがクリスチャンとその教会が超自然的な力で動く必要性を語ります。 Dr. Renny McLean talks about the need of the...

How to Receive a Prophetic Word

Shawn Bolz on how to receive, process, and take action on a prophetic word given to you.

Curt Landry #1

Curt discusses loving those who hate Israel, celebrating the Biblical feasts, "one new...

Praise Releases Light

The word "praise" means to shine forth light. Therefore when you praise, it changes...

Bulgarian-Helping Gay Youth

Hope and direction for those young people who identify as “gay” but who want to be changed by...

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