Women's Rights Without Frontiers
Reggie Littlejohn – www.womensrightswithoutfrontiers.org/index.phpVOA卫视专访陈光诚
After having appeared advocating for his release ten times on Voice of America -- while he was...
US Congressional Press Conference
Reggie Littlejohn speaks about forced abortion during a US Congressional Press Conference
Exposing Communist China's Forced Abortion and Gendercide Polici
Hear details on China's "one child policy" that has been leading to many forced...
China Focus Rep. Chris Smith, Reggie Littlejohn on Forced Aborti
Human Rights Expert Details Horrific Forced Abortion & Infanticide Procedures in China
It's a Girl Trailer on Vimeo
In India, China and many other parts of the world today, girls are killed, aborted and abandoned...
Stop Forced Abortion -- China's One Child Policy -- Women's Righ
Watch this short video to learn the truth about “family planning” in China. Then share this...