Prophetic Word for 2022 Through Mark Virkler
Dream Gifts: How to Receive a Word of Knowledge While You Sleep
Spiritual family ties
Jesus Laughing
"Are you willing to be made whole? To live in my Resurrection power? To be whole means to...
I Am Not Done With You Yet - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
Lifestyle of Rest - Journaling by Linda Garmon
You and I are partners with God. I declare over you today, as we march together in this year,...
Psychoneuroimmunology is the study of laughter, it is great for blood pressure, will make you...
5 fold team ministry
Once you know the pattern, things are easy
The world wide web is possibly one of the greatest advances for the church and ministry in our...
Billions of Angels Blowing Shofars by Peg Yarbrough
Covid 19, Fear, Panic, Revelation, Reason and Anointed Action
Prophetic Perspective for 2022
Confronting Covid 19 - A Picture from God
God Has a SWAT Team by Malachi Talabi
two way journaling
Twenty Stories of How People Received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
To the industry that holds children captive against their will, the Lord is saying your days are...
If I Add Whole-Brain Learning to Heart Revelation, What Do I Get?
The Heavens Declare God’s Victory Over Coronavirus by Isabelle Declercq
Stories from Kenya of Emotional Healing Promoting Health
Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat...
Christian TV series kick off - please support this
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