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Freedom from Porn-Masturbation

A look deep inside the mind and heart of the person trapped in bondage to porn and masturbation,...

Miracles on the Street (1)

Benji Alexander shares his amazing experiences of miracles on the streets of New Zealand in this...

Shawn Bolzs「億万長者の救い」Billionaires' Salvation

【映画俳優・億万長者の救い・富の移行・知識の言葉のパワー!】ショーン・ボルツ預言の力 Testimonies of movie stars and billionaires'...

Missing discs in back RETURNS

Watch these amazing testimonies of Bone miracles collected from Katie's latest conferences....

Lakeland Healing Explosion 1

Lakeland Healing Explosion 1

Lifeline Today with Dick and Joan, episode 18

Our guest today is Evangelist Bill Prankard. Check out more about Dick and Joan Deweert on...

Salvation - Meet Jesus

Would you like to know Jesus? When you die, do you no for sure that you are going to be in...

Five Divine Gift Cards

Patricia King releases five divine gift cards for you

God Is Fabulous Part 1

Listen to this exciting word from Frances Hunter about the goodness of God. This is part 1 of a...

Erase the Pain of Your Past P1

Have you ever prayed and called out to God to change your past?

Lifeline Today with Dick and Joan, episode 27

Our guest is Pastor Craig Buroker of Southside Victory Church in Calgary, AB, Canada, and...

Gifts Of Divine Confirmation 2

We all want to see signposts on the way to our destiny.

Peter Horrobin -「乱れた性と悪霊との関係」Sexual Immorality and the Demonic

Author of the classic book, Healing Through Deliverance, Peter gives us a whirlwind tour through...

Matriarchal Sex Abuse

One man's sexual abuse by his mother and resultant homosexual confusion and how Jesus...

17 Prophecies for 2017

17 Prophecies for 2017

Recognizing Opportunities P1

By watching this video message by Trevor Baker you will be able to recognise the opportunities...

Hear God Through Your Dreams - Session 1

Do you often wake up feeling there was a significant message in your dream, but aren’t sure what...

Trauma of Child Sexual Abuse

Kathy tackles the hard questions surrounding child abuse and neglect and offers God solution.

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