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Sexual Sin & Deliverance 1

Deliverance from soul ties, family curses, unforgiveness, and demonic strongholds and on the...

My God of Breakthrough

Patricia King delivers a powerful message on "God of Breakthrough"

Correction Is Not Rejection

When you are corrected, take a deep breath and refuse to be rejected. Listen to what people have...

Forgive and Be Free

Mike teaches how to receive freedom through forgiving yourself and others.

Heal the Sick P1 (French)

You will find that God can use you to bring healing and help to family, friends and literally...

3 Rivers Into 1: Part Three

We are created to live in two realms and to see and hear God’s revelation for today.

Russian-Sex Trafficking Around the World

The author of Escaping the Devil's Bedroom, Dawn Jewell describes what she found in cities...

Lifeline Today with Dick and Joan, episode 28

Dick is teaching about the signs that Jesus said would happen in our generation. For more on...

The Best BBQ Ever

"The Best BBQ Ever" was a tremendous day here in the West Midlands, here is a short...

The Power Of Thanksgiving

Do you need a miracle? Thankfulness is your key!

「ハロウィーン警告!」Halloween Warning! 元悪魔崇拝者(former satanist)

ハロウィーンは悪魔的祝い事だと言うと何人の人が怒るでしょうか? 元悪魔崇拝者で悪魔に25年間仕えて来たジョン・ラミレス兄が言うことには耳を傾けてくれるでしょうか? How many...

Presenciando a los Gays

Enseñanza breve de los Dr Bill Maier, Dr Michael Brown y Melissa Fryrear sobre homosexualidad.

Deliverance Pt 1 - B Greenwood

A journey through the circumstances under which deliverance is required for a sexually broken...

Your Responsibility To Vote

The scripture commands us to pray for those in authority. Watch your words and be sure to vote...

Rotator Cuff Healed

Inoperable rotator cuff healed!

Power in the "Secret Place"

Steve Porter preaches on TBN South Africa in East London. He shares about the "Secret...

It Is Your Responsibility To Vote

The word says if we humble ourselves and pray then God will heal our land. Because of the fact...

Homosexual to New Creation

Raised in a Pentecostal church, molested by someone there, lived a profligate gay lifestyle. But...

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