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Lifeline Today with Dick and Joan, episode 9

Our guests are Bruce and Lara Merz. Bruce's testimony is of God's miraculous healing...

Recognizing Opportunities P2

By watching this video message by Trevor Baker you will be able to recognise the opportunities...


Faith to take hold of the promises of God.

Rolland Baker

Rolland discusses an overview of his and Heidi's 27 years as missionaries, Heidi's...

Lifeline Today with Dick and Joan, episode 22

Dick is speaking about past revivals and what is coming. For more on Dick and Joan Deweert,...

Guarding the Gates

In this episode of Encounter TV, David Diga Hernandez completes his message from Huntington...

Tommy and Jeannie Tenney

Tommy and Jeannie discuss their involvement in the making of the film "One Night With the...

Preparing for Perfect Storm

David & Stephanie Herzog interview John Paul Jackson on what he sees coming in the days...

Tendonitis LEAVES instantly

Katie has traveled all over the country collecting hundreds of amazing testimonies of healing...

Spinning Winds

God is demonstrating His power through signs and wonders interfering with natural weather patterns.

Personal Identity - Discover Your Heart's Passion

Patricia King, Clarice Fluitt, Wendy Walters roundtable on personal identity

2017 - A Year Crowned with God's Bounty

5 ways to position yourself under the cloud of glory in the coming year.

Separation Of Church And State

Theresa explains what it means to have the separation of church and state and what it means for...

Jesus Loves India Conference

The official video conference set to air 10 am October 1, 2009 (ist) with Steve Porter and Rick...

The PurePassion Story Complete

The complete story of the ministry behind "Pure Passion", including the personal story...

What Did You Say?

Listen to what you're saying. Does it line up with the word of God? Be careful because the...

EveryMan's Battle-Pornography

The author of Everyman's Battle discusses sex addiction and offers practical solutions for...

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