
The Glory and the Present Darkness

Posted 11 years ago by Awake Nations with Glenn Bleakney – Glenn Bleakney

Awake Nations with Glenn Bleakney is taking the Gospel of the Kingdom to the nations of the world in the power of the Spirit and with signs and wonders following!

Glenn Bleakney of Awake Nations shares about a prophetic dream he had of the urgency and necessity of walking in the glory of God in the last days! Based on Isaiah 60:1-4, darkness shall cover the earth in the last days, but the glory of God shall arise u

Direct file link: https://xpmedia.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/node/301/13301/default.mp4?AWSAccessKeyId=YV25CDEQWOCEBC3T5XQ6&Expires=1742480644&Signature=OF9phSFZUESsXLYYVTASZ4UG9C8%3D