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False Intimacy of Sex Sin Pt 1

Sex addicts pursue a false intimacy out of selfishness and a fear of true intimacy. See what God...

Infected Molars Healed!

Healing testimony from our Healing School in Hawthorne, CA. Be encouraged -- Jesus can heal all...

Glory Light Of Jesus Part 1

Part 1 of this 4 part series on how the light of Jesus can heal your soul and body.

False Intimacy of Sex Sin Pt 2

Dr. Schaumburg describes the difference between the maintenance program that therapy provides...

Embrace The Prophetic

Bobby shares a prophetic word that caused a shift in the region he was ministering. It's...

The Feast Of The Open Book

During our recent Secret Place Conference Paul Keith Davis shared with us the message of...

The Mute Speak

Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, David...

Word of Knowledge Back/Vision

Are you suffering with a prolapsed disc or peripheral vision?

Homosexual to New Creation

Raised in a Pentecostal church, molested by someone there, lived a profligate gay lifestyle. But...

Trust What God Says

You can put your trust in God regardless of your situation. Part of your salvation must include...


Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares keys to help you on your journey to success.

Randy Clark Testimonies from Brazil

Randy Clark and Global Awakening Testimonies from Brazil.

Bobby Conner-Hordes of Hell are coming to earth「地獄の軍団が地上に来る」

ボビー・コナーは第3の天へ連れて行かれ、(2 Corinthians 12:1-2)...

The Secrets Teens Keep

Stories of young people with dark secrets and how they have found freedom and healing by...

Rescuing Kids from the Streets

Hope for Homeless Youth rescues kids from the streets of Hollywood. A ministry of the Dream...

Enough Talk, Time for Action!

Iverna Tomkins shares a riveting message urging you to take action in this world in crisis. ...

14yr old sees miracles in Fiji

Owen Braaksma, from Waiuku in New Zealand, as a 14yr old on a missions trip to Fiji sees...

Our Lives affects our Kids!

Change your family by your LOVE relationship with Jesus

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