
Supernatural Live TV - Healing From Trauma

Posted 5 years ago by Patricia King "Everlasting Love TV" – Patricia King

Patricia King's weekly television show and teaching content.

Many of you are suffering from sickness and pain that just won’t go away. On this week’s episode of Supernatural Life, Joan Hunter joins Patricia King to share the connection between trauma and physical ailments. As Joan shares testimonies of the miracles she has seen once trauma is dealt with, we are believing for you to be set free as well!

Direct file link: https://xpmedia.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/node/989/18989/original_video.mp4?AWSAccessKeyId=YV25CDEQWOCEBC3T5XQ6&Expires=1741166897&Signature=7JXRaOpP1pm4Wt%2FjNqqT0pX4Ejc%3D