
Keyword: healing 474 results Page 14 of 30


Bulgarian-Sex and Deliverance

Teaching on soul ties, the passing down of the sins of the fathers, and freedom from demonic...

Prophetic Word - Part 2

Part 2 of Times of Restitution prophetic word

Instant Miracle

Watch this woman get healed instantly...all pain gone.

100% Victory

100% Victory, 100% of the time.

Arabic-Sexual Deliverance

Teaching on soul ties, the passing down of the sins of the fathers, and freedom from demonic...

Healed of Bone Disease

Jesus miraculously healed Joanne from a lifelong bone deterioration condition.

The Church Stole My Money!

Hear the story of how a young man was set free from religion.

I Wanted To Kill My Father

Hear the story of how a young man was delivered from an abusive spirit.

Miracle - Bullet Dissolves!

Bullet disolves out of womans neck that was lodged there for over a decade!

Miracle Boy

Hear this amazing story of a young boy who learned how to walk in his authority, & walk out...

Free From Pornography

Hear how this young man was set free from pornography.


Prophetic Word - Sept 1st 2011

Sep 4, 2011

Listen to this prophetic word to the body of Christ through Dr. Christian Harfouche

Slaying The Imposter

Jun 2, 2011

prophetic word from Dr. Christian Harfouche

Accept The Good Fight

Jun 2, 2011

Prophetic word from Dr. Christian Harfouche