
Angels on the Move

There is more angelic activity than ever before in this generation. Learn how you can become...

Unfulfilled Dreams

The scripture says the steps of the righteous have been designed and ordered by God. We must get...

Only Say The Word

Stacey Campbell shares a testimony about a miracle she witnessed in Brazil.

Your Voice Will Move Your Mountains

Have mountains that need to be moved in your life? The Bible says to speak to your mountains in...

Spanish-Ruth Graham-Broken Hearts

Billy Graham's daughter, Ruth, talks about the adultery and abuse that was a part of her...

Guard Your Thoughts

Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares about the importance of how you engage your thought patterns.

Freedom From Depression

Joan shares with you how you don't have to live with depression but rather how you can be...


This man was in the last days of his life, afflicted with the AIDS virus. He was dramatically...


Cindy McGill shares how important our dreams are and what God is saying through them.

The Progression of Lesbian Confusion - Pt 1

Christie describes her childhood and adolescence and the growing attraction to females that...

「不可知論者+愛=信仰!」(Agnostic+Love=Believe) ピート・カブレラJr.

神が本当にいるかわからないと言っているこの不可知論者((神の存在を否定も肯定もしない人) の男性は、背中と顔に痛みを持っていました。神の愛がこの男性の心にどう触れるかご覧ください! A...

Learn to See in the Spirit

A course by Patricia King