Ryan Rufus
Ryan Rufus is the full time pastor at City Church International, and founder of New Nature Publications. He has a powerful teaching gift with profound insights into the Gospel of Grace.
Landon Schott
Second Take was birthed out of the heart of The Rev Landon Schott's passion to see the hearts of a generation turn back to God. The Rev Ministries was founded on Rev 1:18, "We hold the keys of life and death".
Steve Schultz
Prophecy is to encourage, comfort, instruct and strengthen. God does nothing without revealing it to His servants the prophets. On Prophetic.TV we interview seasoned prophetic voices to discover what God is saying to His people and the world today.
Jill Austin
The Lord has given Jill Austin a catalytic and prophetic anointing to break open the heavens and release the fire of the Holy Spirit.
Todd White
Reminding us to have faith like a child, Todd White shares testimony of the healing power of God throughout the earth. While sharing the gospel of Jesus everywhere he goes, through Todd God grabs the attention of people with miracles,signs,& wonders.
The Wave - Brian Wright
Welcome to The Wave channel! We are so excited that you have taken the time to check us out here at The Wave in Ashtabula Ohio. Worshiping The King of Glory!
Clarice Fluitt
Dr. Clarice Fluitt is President and Founder of Clarice Fluitt Ministries, CEO of The Gennao Group Intl, Transformational Leadership Coach, and businesswoman. She is Co-Founder and Co-Pastor of Eagles Nest Training Ctr., is a time proven prophet with laser
Brian Guerin
The bride of Life in Glory Divine, through signs, wonders, encounter... healings, miracles, impartation... And most important of all, His Intimate Manifest Presence.
Brian Lake
Brian Lake, preacher, author, motivator, and entrepreneur, has a heart to see the church come into a deeper intimacy with Jesus. - Brian Lake Ministries
Meri Crouley
Meri Crouley is an author, speaker and singer who flows with a strong prophetic gifting. She is the founder of Meri Crouley Ministries which holds meetings and conventions throughout the United States. Meri has appeared on the Trinity Broadcasting Netw
Mark Chironna
Dr. Mark J. Chironna is uniquely gifted to train, mobilize, and ignite transformation in God’s people. His is a clear voice for the 21st century that resonates throughout our global society with the cause of Christ and the message of His Kingdom.
Doug Addison
Doug Addison helps people transform their lives and discover their purpose. He uses stand-up comedy in his seminars on Hearing God, Understanding Dreams and Experiencing the Supernatural. He also leads dream and prophetic/power evangelism outreaches.
Marilyn Hickey
Join Marilyn Hickey & Sarah Bowling every weekday for practical Bible teaching, inspiring guests, exciting reports from around the world, and a message of encouragement for your day!
Aaron Winter
Dr. Aaron S. Winter is the host of Hearts of Fire TV & President of Hearts of Fire International. Aaron has ministered all over the world including crowds that have reached 100,000 in attendance & hosts conferences throughout the year & is an author.
Fire Starter-Joyce Turner
The Bible tells us God is 'an all consuming fire' and those that He touches are never the same. Joyce has the fire of God burning deep within her heart and soul to spread a life-changing message.