Royree Jensen is a Holy Ghost Trailer Blazer, a dynamic prophetic teacher with a brilliant ability to articulate the reality of the Kingdom of God in a powerful and humorous way. Her uncompromising message is God plus nothing.
Its the anointing that breaks the yoke!
A very blessed easter to you all
Are you walking with a limp too?
I believe the Lord has this word for someone.
Feel like quitting? Check this out...
Did you ever look at it this way?
Having hassles with people? Stop being angry!
Hope for 2016
A blessed and joyful Christmas to everyone!
Enjoy the Christmas story, told a little differently, with one of Royree's grandchildren
A kingdom commissioning to those in business!
Did you know you're a sheep?
Looking for a breakthrough? Have a listen to this!
Your failure does not disqualify you from chasing your destiny!
What do carry that others need?
Are you willing or trying to escape?
Line up your thinking with Gods
A word from God