Zoe Life of God in You
At the moment of salvation the Spirit came into me! Pow! I became a brand new man with the Zoe...
You Have No Past!
When I was showing off my new-born son, what if someone had asked me about his past? He...
Whatever Jesus Says - Do It!
As we look at the first miracle of Jesus, we see the steps into the miraculous realm of the...
Jesus, The Last Adam
Jesus came to this earth as the Son of Man - The Last Adam. Why is this important to us?
Jesus Is Our Example!
It's time to take off those religious glasses! To lay aside our traditions, and see...
How Are We Conformed to Him?
Jesus came to do His Father's will. As we become conformed to His image, we will also find...
What Are The Greater Works?
Jesus laid aside His power as God and operated on this earth as a man. And then, He sent that...
We Are Redeemed!
What a wonderful exchange! The Son of God who knew no sin, became sin for us. He took our sins...
Know Your Destiny
God looked down through the corridors of time and He saw us in Jesus. We are predestined in Jesus.
Our Image of Jesus
Since we are being conformed to the image of Christ, it is important to understand who He is.
Is Jesus the Son of God?
Who is the Son of God? Why did He come to this earth? What has He done for us?
God Rejoices Over You
What is your image of the Father-God? Do you picture Him as being mad at you, or do you see Him...
To Seek His Face
We are not to fear God, but instead we are to come into His presence boldly as His children.
The Father-God Loves You
Perhaps, the greatest story in the Bible is found in the story of the Prodigal son
The Sword of the Spirit
God has given us a mighty weapon - it is the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. It is to come...
More Than Conquerors
The apostle Paul wrote that we are more then conquerors. We're not supposed to just...
Receive Our Father's Love
When we receive our heavenly Father's love, we are freed from negative images of our...