El Arrepentimiento
El arrepentimiento es un cambio de pensamiento, de actitud y actuar, y es el camino hacia la...
A New Era - What To Expect!
We are not just in a new season; we’re in a new era. An era last longer than seasons. What are...
Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets
Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets sit down together to discuss a number of important and interesting...
When Father’s Fall
Jill shares the heart of the heavenly Father concerning what happens when leaders fall into sin.
Parenting in the Prophetic
There has never been a message like this done in the history of the prophetic movement. We are...
Everlasting Mercy
There is a universal need for forgiveness. God made provision for that in His nature. His love...
Miraculous Teeth Whitening
Listen to this amazing story of how the Lord whitened someone's teeth supernaturally.
Voice Of Your Testimony - 4
The Voice of Your Testimony. Joshua Mills shares part 4 of this 4-part message.
Barbie Breathitt Endorsement Of XP Media
An endorsement for Patricia King and the work of the XP team.