
Welcome to The Wave channel! We are so excited that you have taken the time to check us out here at The Wave in Ashtabula Ohio. Worshiping The King of Glory!

Character of fear

Character of fear


Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares keys to help you on your journey to success.

Christian Meditation is...

TO HEAR MORE, GO TO: http://ChristianMeditation.info -- Enjoy Anointed *soaking music* by John...

Healing Flow

"Healing Flow" is one of my favorite God-inspired instrumentals. It came forth in June...

Heidi Baker: Get into His Presence

From the MSM Archives, we present a 2008 interview with Missionary Heidi Baker on ways to become...

Brian Blesses Singly in Cambodia

Brian blesses Singly in Cambodia wit guitar

Brian Blesses Singly in Cambodia

Brian blesses Singly in Cambodia wit guitar

Brian Blesses Singly in Cambodia

Brian blesses Singly in Cambodia wit guitar

The Man Of Fire Part1

Part 1 of a 4 part series about a wave of Gods presence that will user in an unstoppable move of...

Getting Rid Of The Dead Dogs!

Jun 28, 2013

God wants to bless us for the sake of Jesus & how He (Jesus) took on sin when He had no sin...

Wave Cambodia 2013

In 2011, God called the Wave to mobilize and send a missions team to Cambodia in 2012. After...

Getting Rid Of The Dead Dogs!

Jun 28, 2013

God wants to bless us for the sake of Jesus & how He (Jesus) took on sin when He had no sin...

Wave Cambodia 2013

In 2011, God called the Wave to mobilize and send a missions team to Cambodia in 2012. After...

Wave Cambodia 2013

In 2011, God called the Wave to mobilize and send a missions team to Cambodia in 2012. After...

Saturday WSOW with Patricia King 4/6/13

Apr 7, 2013

Wave School of Worship

Arise and Shine!

It's time for us to arise and shine and to grow up as the body of Christ. He is looking for...

Hurt from a Fall

Kim Hadaway shares a word of knowledge about an injured leg and foot, about healing physically...

You'll Be A New Person

Kim shares a word of encouragement from 1 Samuel 10. As we partner with Him in the Spirt of...