I Am a Spirit (Kids)
Becky Fischer teaches children about the difference between the natural world and the spirit...
Hearing God's Voice (Kids)
Becky teaches kids very simple but practical ways to learn to recognize it when God speaks to...
Passing Faith to Your Children
A hard hitting prophetic message by Becky Fischer to the body of Christ and parents to change...
A Heart For This Generation
Luke O'Brien from the movie "Jesus Camp" has a powerful prayer for this generation.
This Is The Generation!
We have almost lost this generation, but we can't give up! This is the time to rise and...
Determining Our Purpose
Kids In Ministry International Director, Becky Fischer calls youth ministers to examine their...
Homosexuality & Children
Gender Identity issues begin in childhood. It's an attack on who the child believes himself...
What Have We Been Doing
The Church has a very low expectation of what children are capable of spiritually.
What Have We Been Doing
The Church has a very low expectation of what children are capable of spiritually.
Age of Accountability
The age of accountability-the age when a child can be saved-is not biblical concept. It's a...
A Very High Calling
Ministry to children is too often minimized and downplayed in the Church, but it is a very high...
Meeting Francis Opoku
Meet Francis Opoku, a children's minister in Ghana, KIMI's PowerClub Coordinator, who...
Muslim Child Heals Father
<strong> African children become prophetic powerhouses healing the sick and protecting...
A Vision for African Schools
Christians are still free to preach the gospel in many public schools in Africa. But take...
Kids of Power in Ghana
A children's pastor wanted his kids to walk in the power of God so he contacted Becky Fischer.
Kids of Power in Ghana
A children's pastor wanted his kids to walk in the power of God so he contacted Becky Fischer.
Kids of Power in Ghana
A children's pastor wanted his kids to walk in the power of God so he contacted Becky Fischer.
A Very High Calling
Ministry to children is too often minimized and downplayed in the Church, but it is a very high...