The Mystery part 9
Pastor Mike Harding continues to unravel the Mystery at Love Gospel Church. He teaches on...
Responding Biblically to Social Issues
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding, teaches how to respond to the social issues of...
The Story of The Three Women
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches about the three symbolic women of revelation...
The Mystery part 6
Pastor Mike Harding continues to teach at Love Gospel Church on "The Mystery"...
Angels are Busy
Did you Know that you have a legion of angels or 6,000 of them to help you. Pastor Missy teaches...
You can reach the lost!
Monthly XPerience Night - Evangelist Todd White shares his testimony and his heart for reaching...
Tearing Down Strongholds According to King David part 1
How to recognize and get rid of spiritual strongholds that may be keeping you from walking in...
Hunger For The Lord
Iverna Tompkins speaks about the joys of having Jesus meet our every need as we nurture our faith.
Tearing Down Strongholds According to King David part 2
The second part to recognizing spiritual strongholds and how to be free to walk in spiritual...
The Lord's Prayer
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding shares how to use The Lord's Prayer as a prayer...
You Are Powerful In Jesus Christ
Pastor Missy teaches through Scripture that Jesus gave us all authority and power and we are to...
Message 4 Pt.1 Gift of Discerning of Spirits - Pastor Missy Beik
A teaching with biblical examples on the gift of Discerning of Spirits.
Message 4 Pt 2 Gift of Discerning of Spirits - Pastor Missy Beik
Last message on the series: The Gift of Discerning of Spirits.
Supernatural Leadership-Communication with God part2
Pastor Mike Harding continues to speak on Supernatural Leadership through Communication with God...
The Emotional Bank Account
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding explains how our actions in a relationship are making...
Equipping the Saints-The Tabernacle as a Model for Prayer
Pastor Mike Harding teaches on The tabernacle of Moses as a prayer model. He shares on the...
Mary's Story part 2
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on the birth of Jesus. He had a humble birth...
Holy Spirit for Others
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding continues his teaching on The Holy Spirit. He shares...