The True Vine
Pastor Mike Harding teaches at Love Gospel Church on Jesus as the true vine. He shares how Jesus...
Fellowship W/ the Holy Spirit
Fellowship with the Holy Spirit involves sharing our lives in common with him. It means opening...
Two Root Systems that will Make You Prosper
Two revelations every Christian must walk in to prosper I am loved and I am righteous.
The Tabernacle: The Bronze Laver
The bronze wash basin of water points us to our new birth experience in the Holy Spirit, and to...
Sex Offender - Management
How to manage the ongoing healing and rehabilitation process of a sex offender.
Taming the Wild Horses
The provision that God has made for us to tame the wild horses of lust and rebellion in the mind.
Sacred Mysteries
David teaches on the many divine mysteries that are found in the Bible, particularly the...
Benefits to Intimacy - Pt 1
Sandy outlines the many benefits of experiencing intimacy with God the Father.
Spiritual Passages
David describes the various stages of the Christian life as taught by great teachers of the faith.
Compassion for the Homosexual
Dr. Francis MacNutt exhorts the Body of Christ to make compassion a central part of its efforts...
Causes of Homosexuality
Francis describes the causes for homosexual confusion and the health issues that most ignore...
Healing Prayers for Homosexual
Francis & Judith describe the process by which they minister and pray for homosexuals and...
From Prostitute to Priest
David describes the spiritual journey that God took him through in the early years of coming out...
God And Entertainment
James Goll & Patricia King give prophetic insight into what God is doing in the...
Champions Live Differently
Dr. Clarice FLuitt explains why we must be prepared to be replaced. You are a champion and you...
3 Tools to Make You Mighty
pastor Marcy Saggio shares God has given you 3 tools to make you Mighty like David and his men.