Worthy is the Lamb Part 2
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding explains what Jesus did makes us worthy to receive...
The Kingdom
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches how Jesus opened his ministry by announcing,...
The Gospel According to Abraham
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding shares the gospel message of love starting from...
God's Wisdom for Relationships and Leadership
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches about the character and nature of God that...
Carrying His Heart
Can He trust you with His very heart? This message was given at a South Africa conference.
Eye Doctor Witnesses A Miracle
Dr. Dan Wilson shares a testimony about a medical miracle he saw with his own eyes.
God of Promise
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding shares that God always initiates relationships with a...
Holy Spirit Breathe and Blow on Us
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Marcy Saggio explains the breath of God is here to bring dreams to...
The Lord our Victory Banner
Jehovah Nissi, God won the battle and we continue to win it in our minds.
Bold Love
Watch as you see God reach out to perform miracles, heal bodies, and even go beyond the...
Joy-The Nature of God
Pastor Mike Harding teaches at Love Gospel Church about the nature of God being joy. In this...
Spiritual Passages
David describes the various stages of the Christian life as taught by great teachers of the faith.