Our Authority in Christ
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches how we lost our authority on earth, but how...
What to Expect in the Coming Years
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding explains that the world is growing steadily unstable...
Sacrifice and Fire
We give our lives as a living sacrifice to God - like the burnt offering of the old covenant -...
How the Gift of a WOW works with a WOM Message 6 Pastor M. Beik
This message explains how Daniel received the interpretation to the prophetic dream King...
Steve Porter's Testimony
Steve tells his story much like Joseph: What was meant for evil God meant for Good! From...
Holy Fire
Stacey Campbell joins Patricia King for this week’s episode of Everlasting Love TV to talk about...
Treasures In Transition Part 1
Mark Chironna shares why God allows seasons of uncertainty, confusion, and difficulty in our...
Proclaim His Goodness part4
God reveals himself as Jehovah Rapha our healer. Healing is flowing from and is available to you.
As He is, so are We
Cris shares on resting in the completed work of Christ and Mike shares on Jesus dying as us.
Pr. Missy on 'Spiritual Help To Advance The Kingdom of God'
In this first message of a new series on angels, Pastor Missy talks about the supernatural...
Broken Made Beautiful
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding, explains how we all are broken in areas of our life,...
Carrying His Heart
Can He trust you with His very heart? This message was given at a South Africa conference.
Stacey Campbell Shares Miracle Stories
Stacey Campbell shares the definition of a miracle and tells stories of miracles she's...
Married to God
How creating us male and female was God's way of prefiguring the marriage of Jesus Christ...