God's Wisdom for Relationships and Leadership
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches about the character and nature of God that...
Eye Doctor Witnesses A Miracle
Dr. Dan Wilson shares a testimony about a medical miracle he saw with his own eyes.
Pastor Missy Beik teaches on 'Different kinds of Angels'
This is the second message in the angels series and Pastor Missy teaches through the Scriptures...
Tribute To Mary Goddard
Patricia and Mary Audrey Raycroft pay tribute to their mentor, Mary Goddard, an early pioneer in...
Childbirth in the Glory
Janet Mills joins Patricia King to talk about supernatural childbirth and how the glory of God...
The Tabernacle: The Table of Showbread
The table of showbread reveals Jesus as the bread of life- bread that we can freely eat and...
Pastor Missy : 'Healing as a Process'
Pastor Missy teaches us how to see healing as a process through Mark 8:22-26 example . Learn how...
Basics for Intimacy with God
Sandy teaches on "Abba" Father, and His intention to develop and live in intimacy with...
Pastor Missy Beik - 'Stay Far From Rebellion'
In Message 6 of the How to Avoid Rebellion set, we Learn through Saul's example the high...
The Greatest of this is LOVE by Pastor Missy Beik
Let this teaching from the Word of God redefine for you what true love is. Paul is very open in...
Stop The Bully - audio
Pat Liarson joins Patricia King in a discussion about how their book, "How To Stop The...
Keeran shares his thoughts about what bully's look like and what a child should do if it...
Everything that God is doing in your life is about establishing your identity to see yourself...
Two Days in the Life of Jesus
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding walks us through two days of Jesus' life. He...
Pastor Missy: 'Gifts of Healing: Faith Brings Healing'
Pastor Missy continues teaching on the Gifts Of Healing. Through 2 examples we understand that...