Taming the Wild Horses
The provision that God has made for us to tame the wild horses of lust and rebellion in the mind.
What Spirit are You of
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on feeding on the Spirit of God rather than...
Hell Is Real! I Was There!
Howard Storm died, went to hell, and returned to tell about it. Hear first hand testimony of...
Body Building with God
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding discusses God's version of body building uses...
Our Citizenship is in Heaven
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches about our free access to the realm of heaven.
Vision Weekend
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches what Jesus called discipleship and how team...
From Prostitute to Priest
David describes the spiritual journey that God took him through in the early years of coming out...
The Greatest of this is LOVE by Pastor Missy Beik
Let this teaching from the Word of God redefine for you what true love is. Paul is very open in...
Culture of Empowerment pt6
What is your foundation for powerful living? This weekend, Pastor Mike continues to teach on the...
Pastor Missy: 'Gifts of Healing: Faith Brings Healing'
Pastor Missy continues teaching on the Gifts Of Healing. Through 2 examples we understand that...
Make Room For Your Miracle!
What is it that you want? Listen as Joan shares keys on to obtain your desires not just...
Becoming a Powerful Person- Keys to Building Powerful Relationsh
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on keys to to building powerful, long-lasting...
Bold As Lions part2
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding continues his series on being bold. Our problem is...
How The Gift of WOW and a WOM Work Together - Pastor Missy Beik
How the gift of a Word of Wisdom relates to the gift of Working of a Miracle.
Team Building- Becoming the Church
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches that we are the church, the body of Jesus....
The Blood Covenant by Pastor Missy Beik
Understand your priestly ministry today through the Blood of Jesus Christ and you will defeat...
Pastor Missy teaches us through David's experience in Ziklag how to recover all. What God...