By Becky Fischer
It must be about two years ago that I first stumbled across the phenomenon in the New Age/psychic world about the generation of kids they define as Indigo children. If you have not heard anything about them, nor read my articles on them, I have an extensive message on them in our Lambs course that you can purchase and listen to in the Lambs CD Series #7 Without going into a lot of detail here, a certain group of psychics have identified a huge percentage of children in the Millennial Generation (born roughly between 1982 – 2001) as highly spiritual and unusually sensitive to the spirit-world and paranormal experiences. The reason I wrote about them was my frustration that Christians on the whole are not recognizing the spiritual capabilities of this same group of children and trying to train them for the REAL supernatural world of the kingdom of God.
We had already demonstrated how seriously the New Age community was about training their kids in becoming better at their spiritual giftings, including writing books for these kids, producing CDs and DVDs, making movies, and even creating actual schools for these highly spiritual children, like we would have Christian K-12 school.
Well, it has now gone onto the next level of training and mentoring, once again leaving Christians in the dust in raising their own to function in the spirit realm. A&E Television Network, the same entity that owns the rights to the movie Jesus Camp, has recently launched a weekly program called Psychic Kids. I have only seen two programs in full and just portions of others, so I cannot tell you what every show is like. But the ones I saw were all about kids who see and hear spirits of dead people and in a couple of cases demons. Only one of the children seemed to enjoy this activity and the attention while all the others two expressed great fear and did not like it at all.
In each show I saw, the children were taken to houses nor properties that were know for apparitions of spirits and their "spiritual mentors" went on to take them on some ventures to deliberately engage some of these spirits into interaction. The adults totally mentored them in how to locate these spirits, arouse them, and finally how to communicate with them. Of course it all took place in the dark with flashlights. It was the stuff spook shows are made of, only it was real. What I thought was amazing was the shows were not about teaching these kids how to rid themselves of these encounters, but rather how to overcome their fear of them and learn to live with them telling these kids they were gifted and these experiences would never go away. The show was all about helping them get comfortable with the experiences and overcome the fear they experience so they can "help" these dead people. It was reminiscent of the movie Sixth Sense. The kids by the way are also very afraid to tell anyone, especially their friends for fear they will be considered nuts or crazy.
The paranormal has become so normal in non-Christian groups that it’s no wonder a program of this sort about kids would eventually find its way to television. But shouldn’t we Christians be the ones leading the way in these things? Any supernatural experience that does not originate with the Most High God nor is consistent with the Word of God is a counterfeit of the real thing. We as Christian parents and church leaders should be leading the way in mentoring our children in the things of God. Instead we continuedeny our kids are capable of handling anything spiritual other than salvation, and a few more will include the baptism in the Holy Spirit, but then we stop. We as a church culture deny their supernatural abilities.
This past year I have risked speaking on this subject in some of the churches where I go and speak. I have only found one person, a pastor in Canada that had ever heard about the Indigo kids. In all my 17+ years in children's ministry and my lifetime in Christianity, I have never heard anyone mention Indigos or psychic kids of any type even in passing and this has apparently been going on in the psychic world for many years. It's like the Church is totally unaware of it or that there's a connection to us at all. But wherever I speak on this, after the service there's a least one young person that tells me, "I was (or am) one of those kids." A lot of them are now in their 20s and eventually managed to shut down that area of their lives because there was no one to help them. Like their non-Christian counterparts they have been afraid to tell anyone, especially other Christians, for fear they would immediately be accused of being demon-possessed, and they knew they weren't. They just had no idea how to deal with it and didn't know who to turn to for help. More recently we have begun receiving phone calls in our office from parents asking for help for small children. Most recently a Christian mother was very concerned about her young child who saw angels and had a lot of positive supernatural experiences, but he was also harassed by the demonic to the point he would wet his pants. These are Christian parents who are asking for help because they don't know what to do about it.
A friend of mine recently watched one of the Psychic Kids episodes, and here were his comments: "The most disappointing thing about that show [I watched] was that [they went to their church for help] and the church wasn't able to help them. I just wonder how many kids in church and out of church are seeing things and the church has no clue about it and can't help them. I believe the enemy can recognize when a person has a strong spiritual gift and tries to get to them first. The church is sooooo blind and can't recognize even those in the church that have strong gifts. I believe that is why a lot of kids leave church because they have gifts and the church they go to can't help them."
Selah. (Pause and think about it.)
When I first learned about the Indigos, I began crying out to God asking how this could be. How could the world could recognize and identify these kids? I began asking who these kids were and why we as the Church were clueless. He very clearly told me, "This is the Joel 2:28 generation that I have planned from the beginning of time. This is the generation I have designed to operate in signs, wonders, and miracles, and it is the generation I have pre-programmed to hear my voice and to usher Jesus back to earth again! But because the Church is ill-equipped to recognize and train them, the world has stepped up to the plate and is educating them in their ways."
We as parents and church leaders need to wake up. Our kids need to know how to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit at early ages, be led by the Spirit of God, see dreams and visions and be taught how to interpret them according to the Bible, speak in tongues and know why they are doing it and what value the experience has, be able to heal the sick through the prayer of faith, be trained as radical worshippers of the living God, be mentored as intense prayer warriors and more. Now in light of this, we need to teach them the authority they have as children of God, and that the smallest child with Jesus inside of them has more power than all the demons in hell. They need to know the power they have in the name of Jesus and through His blood. We cannot sit by and let the world train our kids in the kingdom of darkness when we are children of the Kingdom of Light and we have the answers to set them free!
If you have a child who is very sensitive to the spirit-realm and has similar experiences to what we have mentioned here, here is how you can help your child over their fears and how to rid themselves of being harassed by annoying spirits:
1.Make sure your child is born again and understands that the God of the universe lives on the inside of him and there is no spirit or power that even comes close to His power. Let him know that because Jesus lives in him, he is stronger than the biggest demon in hell.
2.As soon as possible explain the wonderful experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit, with speaking in tongues, and ask them if they would like to be filled. (We have several good books and teaching CDs on this subject if you do not feel confident to do this yourself. Even preschoolers can be filled with the Spirit.) Then practice praying in tongues with your child every day until they become very comfortable with it and fluent in their own language.
3.Teach your child that with the power of the Holy Spirit inside of him that nothing can harm him. The only tool the devil has is fear. If he can make us afraid he can keep power over us. Teach him the scripture that says "God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7.
4.Teach your child that he has power over all demons, spirits, and "monsters." Jesus has given him this power. All he has to do when a spirit harasses him is say something like, "Go or get out of here in the name of Jesus!" or "Leave me alone in Jesus name!" or anything similar. Teach him that the name of Jesus has great power and demons and spirits are extremely frightened whenever we use the name of Jesus. If you have a real small child, just teach them to say the name of Jesus or shout it at the spirits. But in some way teach them the power in the name of Jesus. Teach him that anytime he is afraid all he has to do is call out on the name of Jesus.
5.Teach your child that along with using the name of Jesus, he can begin speaking in tongues whenever he is afraid. Teach him that God has given us tongues as a weapon of prayer to overcome the enemy.
5.Let him know that Jesus said the enemy is under our feet, and we can trample on snakes and scorpions (symbols of the devil). Teach him that these harassing spirits are defeated foes and that they are going to spend all eternity in the Lake of Fire, so we need to treat them like they are defeated now.
6.Teach your child about the power in the blood of Jesus. When Jesus died on the cross, he shed his blood for our sins, but also so that we would have power over the enemy, which is Satan and his demons. The devil is extremely frightened of the blood of Jesus. The devil cannot cross the "blood line." This means since Jesus' blood has washed our sins away, we are protected by His blood. It's like an invisible wall of protection that's around us. When we remind Satan we're covered with the blood, he will leave us alone. The blood of Jesus is what defeated Satan once and for all. But we have to remind him sometimes. If he thinks we don't know, he will take advantage of us and try to frighten us.
7.Ask some trusted intercessors from your church and perhaps even your pastor to come over to your house and pray over it, anointing it with oil around doors and windows, your child's bed, or any specific room in the house that he is especially afraid of. If at all possible have the child's father as well as mother pray over the house and the child, as the father is the spiritual authority. If the father is not a Christian or does not live in the home, then the mother should do it. In the case of children living with grandparents or relatives, whoever has legal guardianship of the child has spiritual authority over the child and can take the leadership in these activities.
8.Make sure you rid your house of anything that might be an invitation to the enemy--the wrong kind of music, movies, books, games, statues, souvenirs from other countries or other religions, things on the computer, etc. Ask the Lord to show you with there is any item in your home that needs to go. When any member of your house hold plays with and takes part in questionable activities, it's an open door to the enemy to come and attack your family. You've got to close the door on the enemy.
9.Now here is a tip I got from Dr. James Dobson talking to parents of children who have nightmares. Teach your child that when they have bad dreams, it's like watching a bad movie on TV. If they don't like how the story is going, they can pick up the remote control and change the channel. While they are sleeping they can actually change their dream to end the way they want it to. They can "pick up a remote control" in their dreams and change the channel to something they like better. Now as strange as that seems, I personally have done it, and know of children who have also done it.
10.There are ministries that specialize in this if you feel you need help, but make sure you break any generational curses in your family. That is if you are aware of any relatives in your child's family tree that messed around in the occult, psychic activities, New Age or eastern religions, were free masons, or dabbled with tarot cards, Ouija boards and similar things, you may need to break off any ties with that in prayer.
11.Keep anointed worship music playing in your house throughout the day, and have worship music playing in your child's room while he is sleeping.
12.Every day when your child goes to school or out to play, lay hands on him, or every night when he goes to bed plead the blood of Jesus over him, speak the protection in the name and the blood of Jesus. Do it every day, perhaps several times a day until this thing breaks.
Suggested Resource: Decree For Kids - Mp3
Becky Fischer is the founder and director of Kids In Ministry International. It is most cutting edge apostolic, prophetic ministry for children and those who minister to them. Our mission is to redefine children's ministry in the 21st century by raising up this generation as active members in the body of Christ.
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