Watch this video update, as seen on CNN iReport (click here)
In 2011, Drs. Christian and Robin Harfouche, founders of Christian Harfouche Ministries Global Reach (CHMGR), received an urgent prophetic word from the Lord to secure and route critical medical supplies to Beirut, Lebanon. Due to the possible destabilization of the neighboring nations, every measure was taken to expedite this humanitarian shipment so that the supplies would be in place for when they were truly needed.
In May of 2011, through the generous giving of CHMGR partners and numerous miracles from the Lord, 50,000 pounds of emergency medical aid was delivered to the Lebanon branch of Caritas. Caritas is the world’s largest humanitarian organization, operating in over 200 countries.
The exact day the shipment arrived, CNN and other news organizations from around the world began to report a massive influx of refugees and wounded crossing the border of Syria into Lebanon, fleeing unrest and seeking medical attention.
To this day, the prophetic word that the Lord gave Drs. Christian and Robin Harfouche is still being fulfilled. The medical supplies are in place and multitudes of injured refugees have received emergency care. Every life is precious. Continue to pray for peace in Israel and throughout the Middle East.
Medical Supplies Shipped - Read More
New York Times - Read More
XP Media Channel - www.xpmedia.com/channel/rharfouche
Web Site: Global Revival
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