Author: Phil Mason
The author Phil Mason's testimony:
Like so many in my generation, I was raised with a typical Western rationalistic mindset that precluded supernatural intervention and causation. It was not until I began to personally experience the supernatural (over 30 years ago) in a way that I could not deny that I opened my mind to the possibility of divine supernatural intervention in the physical realm.
I have witnessed a resurrection from the dead! I have seen and heard with my own eyes and ears a broken bone “pop” back suddenly into its correct position. I have watched legs and arms grow centimeters right before my very eyes on numerous occasions. I have seen God remove a chunk of glass from a woman’s foot and watched the shock on the woman’s face as she unwrapped the bandage and realized that the glass had been supernaturally removed! The chunk of glass appeared on the ground alongside her shoe! I totally love that miracle!
I have been used by the Lord in so many healings that I have truly lost count. I have had words of knowledge that have resulted in instant healings of severe and chronic pain. I have laid hands on deaf ears and seen them instantly opened! I have smelled the supernatural fragrance of the Lord. I have seen the visible glory cloud descend on a building that was experiencing a glory explosion. I have seen the temple of the Lord filled with the smoke of His glory and, along with others, have simultaneously smelt smoke in the room during a time of intense intimate worship.
I have watched as people have been covered in a fine gold dust right before my eyes. I have seen oil flowing supernaturally from people’s hands and have experienced this myself. I have handled gemstones that have supernaturally appeared in glory-filled meetings! I have seen a gold tooth inside a man’s mouth that supernaturally appeared. I have heard words of knowledge spoken by prophets that have literally astonished me. I have seen a prophet get a person’s name and telephone number in a public meeting and then proceed to ring the number and talk to the person he had just identified prophetically! I have seen prophets accurately tell people their first and last name and their exact address!
I have been hit so hard by the raw power of God that I have been knocked to the ground in ecstasy. This has happened far too many times to count.
I am the director of a spiritual community that has been experiencing an outpouring of the Holy Spirit ever since 2006, where we experience supernatural healings on a regular basis. Not a week goes by without reports of amazing healings in our healing rooms, in our meetings or on the streets. We experienced more than one and a half thousand healings in our outreaches into New Age festivals in 2009.
In addition I have cast out so many demons that I have lost count. I have had demonized people scratch me with their fingernails; I have been violently assaulted and had one person spit in my face during a deliverance session. I have watched demons contort people’s faces and bodies and heard them speak things that were absolutely disgusting. These experiences with demonized people were all significant encounters with the supernatural realm. I have seen a man who has never walked before get up out of his wheelchair unaided and walk across the room for the first time in his life! I have heard angelic choirs and supernatural musical instruments being played during times of intense glory-filled worship. I have experienced significant visions and dreams from God.
I have met people who have been physically transported instantaneously over great distances, just like Philip in the book of Acts. I have other friends who have watched milky white eyes turn brown right before their eyes as God instantly healed blindness. I have met a man who has raised numerous people from the dead in Africa, including a woman who had been dead for up to three days! This same man, Supresa Sithole, has been given the ability to speak more than ten languages supernaturally.
I have talked to people who have literally been taken into heaven and to others who have had astonishing open visions and who have seen angels. I have personally seen many supernatural things over a period of 30 years, and I continue to see the supernatural on a regular basis! In short, I have been so dislocated out of traditional rationalistic unbelief through countless supernatural experiences that I am now 100% convinced that Jesus is real and that the Bible is true.
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