By, Angela Greenig


August has been a particularly challenging month as it has been every year.  Challenges, despair, and confusion, financial woes:  God’s people have historically been attacked this time every year.  Here is some Jewish history:  Late July to mid-August is the month of Av on the Jewish calendar.  This was the time that the spies came from the land flowing with milk and honey and gave bad reports to the Israelite people causing them to question God and wanting to turn back to where they have come from (Numbers 13 & 14).  It is also the month that the first temple was destroyed and again the second temple after it had been rebuilt.  I know that you are dealing with stuff.  I know it is hard to stay focused, I know that you have times that you don’t feel God.  I know that your heart is crying out.  Be determined in your faith!  Grab on to your promises and contend for your breakthrough!

It is 9/1/11…Wow!!! Word of the Lord is transition is now! This is a new season… that what was will not be anymore. The number 9 means fruitful. It is a time of birthing dreams and visions again. The 1/11 is power. The Lord says it is time for the fullness of His Holy Spirit to reign upon the Earth within each of His sons and daughters. We will see the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit in power with miracles, signs, and wonders. We will complete the rest of the year in great victory. Get yourselves ready, a greater measure is upon us….nothing will ever be the same again!  Don’t be like the Israelites.  Don’t allow your circumstances take you to the place of familiarity.  There are times and seasons within each one of us that we must draw our line in the sand and say enough is enough!  The devil has no hold over me or my mind and body. He cannot take me or my family out. He can’t touch the work of the king!

You have been ordained by the Lord.  Many are called and few are chosen (Matthew 22).   He wants all of us to share in the fullness of His Kingdom!  Few are chosen because people stop before they receive their commissioning.  You have to step out of the boat!  This is water walking time!  There were ten virgins and only five were prepared and ready to meet their bridegroom (Matthew 25).  Make sure you are ready, do not sabotage yourself!  Study to show yourself approved (2 Timothy 2):  God’s grace meets us where we are at but He will not force us to open our Bibles, He will not force us seek Him, He will not force us to step out, and He does not want us to be stuck in complacency.  Wake up to the kiss of the King!  He is ready to transform lives; He is ready to wake those who have been asleep to His promises.  His breath is living restoration, and your destiny is achievable!

My prayer is Ephesians 3:14-21 that we would grow in the knowledge and revelation of Jesus Christ ... And we would come to know how wide, how high, how deep, and how broad His love is for us.  Holy Spirit come and flow in presence and power to the glory of Jesus Christ throughout all of us so every man, woman and child will know that Jesus IS Lord and there is no other and that they would grow rooted and grounded in that love. 

I have been praying for eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to feel His power and presence and in that wherever we go in the city and all her people will cry out that Jesus IS Lord!  God stirred my faith that even with all we are asking for and praying about that He is well able to do even exceedingly and abundantly beyond that.  Things He has planned to release through those who love Him so extremely as to give of their time and resources and faith to walk the streets with Him and for Him.  And for those He loves He has planned to show them His love in extreme and notable and remarkable ways so that their hearts and minds would turn to Him as Lord and Savior.  

Acts 8:5-8 ... The Lord brought to mind the story of Philip in Samaria and how many people paid attention to what he said because of the miracles he performed.  This tied in with the above and I felt to pray that God will do exceedingly and abundantly more than even what he did through Philip when he walked the streets of Samaria ... That we will lay hold of that anointing (because it is HIM!) and claim that level of power and beyond as we walk the streets because He is the same yesterday, today and forever.  He is the same in your sphere as He was in Samaria.  And that He wants to do even greater works in this hour so that even more pay attention to the Truth of the Gospel as they see the Lord move through us in miracles, signs and wonders!

This season will produce what we have carried.  I keep seeing that some have miscarried and others aborted their dreams because it was too much for them to bear.  They couldn’t see themselves the way the King sees us, thus allowing their dreams to die before it began.  Many couldn’t handle the burden of failure again, others had great complications and yet preserved and birthed the dreams and visions the Father has for them.  

I have such an excitement in me.  We will make great headway.  Keep praying.  Keep declaring.  Keep decreeing.  Keep interceding.  If not you, then who?  And if not now, then when? We must stir and rekindle the fires that burn brightly within each one of us.  Love Him in extreme ways because we will make a difference.  Keep pushing to see the FULL MEASURE of breakthrough to come!  GLORY TO GOD!!


Suggested Resource: Armed And Dangerous


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: ‘Justice for All’ with Angela Greenig focuses on Spiritual Warfare and our position in God’s Army of end time Apostolic Prophetic Warriors, expounding on taking the world for Jesus Christ, with Holiness and Love as the mandate.


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