Author: Mark Virkler
Yesterday we introduced our new book on Hearing God's Voice for Healing. Today I want to provide titles of what is in the second half of this book, and that is the foundational research that formed the base of this book.
Hundreds of verses on healing are organized into categories, for you to look up, ponder and meditate on. Let the Lord grant you revelation as you go through this process.
Supplements found in the second half of this book – In-Depth Exploration of Eight Greek Words Describing Healing
Sozo – salvation - opens the door for all of the other healing processes to flow.
Exousia – authority - Jesus has given us the authority to heal the sick and cast out demons.
Dunamis – power - the word occasionally translated as a miracle, which is an instantaneous mighty work of God. A miracle becomes a sign to the observers [semeion - a sign (G4592)].
Iaomai – healing - often instantaneous healing, but sometimes healing over time.
Therapeuo – healing - therapeutic healing can often be a process, but is sometimes instantaneous. Verses with therapeuo in them specifically mention the following: laying on of hands, and anointing with oil, and leaves which bring healing. We get the word “therapeutic” from this word, so it involves various remedies, which we can easily classify under the category of “gifts of healings.” In other places in the Bible, we find recommended many additional cures and remedies.
Energeo – active energy - the flow of active energy, which is the anointing of the Spirit.
Hugies – make well - describes the result of the healing process.
Ekballon pneumati akatharto - casting out an unclean spirit – brings instantaneous change and often occurs alongside any of the above healings, as the damage done by the evil spirit needs to be healed once the demon is cast out.
"Mark Virkler has written yet another book that I consider a must-read. Not only must read, but must study repeatedly at a heart level. When asked, I was happy to endorse his new book. What I didn’t realize was that I too really need to review and go through this material carefully. Mark takes us on a deep dive into understanding not only the various ways to appropriate physical healing but even more importantly, it is also a study on maintaining spiritual and emotional health and well-being. Carol and I plan on using this tool for daily devotions to draw our hearts even closer to the heart of God. Read it and allow the Lord to heal you physically, emotionally, and spiritually."
John Arnott Founder, Catch the Fire
Explore the many methods Jesus used to heal. Recognize the significance of the fact that more than half the time, the word used for these healings was the Greek word for "therapeutic," which means "cure." Hard copy and electronic copies are available at the link in comments. Fan the flames of revival by sharing this blog with your friends on social media!
Order “Hearing God’s Voice for Healing” https://www.cwgministries.org/store/hearing-gods-voice-healing
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