Author: Mark Virkler
Your teaching through your book and then the conference this fall at ECC continues to be life-changing for me. It’s rare I ever have a night I do not remember my dream and receive a message from the Lord about it. In fact, I feel lost if I have a rare night where I can’t remember.” – Jaime Redcay
Praise God! I love hearing wonderful testimonies like this and am so proud of you guys for putting the principles into practice. Yesssss. When we work the principles, they will work for us!
Jaime is decoding her dreams, helping her family do the same, and now she is even sharing the revelation through her ministry. She was invited to speak at a Mennonite ladies retreat, and she taught these precious women how to hear from heaven while they sleep too. Way to go, Jaime! So grateful for you partnering with us in sharing the message with others.
Not only that, another friend who has also attended our workshop and been through my teaching just texted last week saying, “I’ve been offering classes on dreams in my community and a southern Baptist preacher over a very large church has reached out to have coffee with me.” PTL! Turns out this pastor is very positive and open to this topic, and the dream class went so well, they are going to follow up that introductory course with a “Dreams Lab” to keep practicing interpretation together. YAY.
Learning and growing in a group is by far the best way to become proficient. It would be wonderful if you have such a group in your area, and if you don’t, you can start one! Now through March 20th, get 25% off the already-discounted Dream Mastery Package (or any of the other Hearing God Through Your Dreams products) using the coupon code: DREAMS. Grab some resources, invite some friends over, and dive in together!
Conversation with Carrie Ann
I had the honor of being interviewed by Carrie Ann Barrette where we discussed the sacred supernatural, and she had some excellent questions. Together we explored making sense of “silly” dreams and how often we can expect to receive heavenly dreams, as well as angelic encounter and how accessible these realms really are to us.
We discussed ways to easily simplify and de-mystify seeing in the spirit – both during the day through vision, and at night while we sleep. How do we move from our head to our heart? What do brain waves states have to do with walking in the spirit? And if it is so important, what are some practical ways we can shift ourselves from busy beta brainwaves, down to peaceful alpha brainwaves?
Find out how living in the spirit can be easy and fun. Listen in on our lively conversation here or watch the video interview below.
If you are reading this in an email, click here to watch the video on our website.
Free Video Event
Lastly, I’m thrilled to announce that our Worldwide Video Event for March is Hearing God Through Your Dreams. This means you – and everyone you share it with! – can watch our entire teaching series on dreams at no cost, for a limited time.
Discover the strong scriptural foundation of dream work and the key questions to ask in order to easily decode your own visions of the night. They’re not strange, they’re just symbolic! And their message is sacred.
Whether you are new to this topic or already familiar with it, this course will help you refresh your knowledge and empower you to share the message with others! Register today and let your friends know too. Together you can learn how to regularly remember your dreams and receive God’s “love notes” to you nightly. What a gift!
Get Free Access at www.GloryWaves.org/event
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