Lord, what would You speak about this verse? “[For I always pray to] the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation [of insight into mysteries and secrets] in the [deep and intimate] knowledge of Him...” (Eph. 1:17 Amplifed).


  • Theology - "The study of the nature of God; a system or school of opinions concerning God and religion.”
  • Intimate - "Having a very close comfortable relationship, warm and friendly, closely related and connected, very complete."

Linda - Lord, I am desperate for You. I feel such a deep longing to know You, and not to merely know about You. I prefer intimacy. Theology seems a bit pompous to me but I am always open to Your correction. What do You say about it? Does it honor You?

Jesus - Oh my beloved one, I am not bothered by man’s searching, for I placed within the DNA of every man the longing for his creator, and his purpose in this life. Many are searching for truth and yet they do not always know the way, so they follow the well-trodden paths of others who are also searching. For those who are sincere in their search, I will place markers all along the path they walk, pointing toward the way to truth. I Am the Way and I Am the Truth and I Am the Life. In My Life, they will find their purpose.

There are some simply trying to prove their own preconceived opinions. They walk in the truth of their own making which is self-deception. I continue to call to these also.

Then there is you, My beloved searcher. Think back on your life and remember your own search. You had to wade through a bit of that pompous theology yourself. Bits and pieces of truth worked inside you to stir up the appetite within you for more. Your longing for relationship began with your search for truth. Through the course of your life, you have been brought to this place of intimacy. Does theology honor Me? When it’s part of what leads My beloved children to My arms…. Yes, I am honored.

Linda - I love You so much, Lord. I am so thankful for everything that led me to Your arms. Intimacy is a precious reward for those who diligently search for You.

Jesus - Beloved, Your love and desire for Me ministers to My heart, and I am honored.

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