Author: Mark Virkler
Personalized… Just for You - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
LaWanda - ♪♪ “O, Jesus, O Jesus, your presence is heaven to me. O Jesus, O Jesus, your presence is heaven to me.” ♪♪ O Lord Jesus, ♪♪ “There is none like you. No one else can touch my heart like you do. I could search for all eternity long and find there is none like you.”♪♪
Thank you, Jesus for your sweet presence that allows me to come close to you, that covers me in your righteousness and your holiness. I have none without you, Lord. I am undone by your lovingkindness continually poured out on me. So unlike my own love, mercy or grace that would be so conditional, help me to love like you do, Lord. This is my prayer to you today. Help me to love like you do.
Jesus – LaWanda, my dear one, my cherished one, my beloved one, my highly valued one, how could I not love you, LaWanda? Love is my essence. It is who I am. It is how I saw you from before the foundation of the world. In eternity past, I saw you before you were you, dear one, and knew that you would answer the call to become Mine. Not one single thing has happened to you that I did not see. Not one bad decision did you make that I was not there with you as you made it. You forget that when you accepted me, from that very moment, I have been with you and Holy Spirit has been gently nudging or sometime yelling, “Go this way, dear one.” Or “No, No. No, please do NOT go that way.”
ALWAYS we have been there. ALWAYS we have been loving you and pouring out My lovingkindness on you. When you needed mercy, we gave mercy. When you needed grace, we gave grace. When you needed my faithfulness, it was already there for you, waiting for you. And every promise that you have claimed was illuminated in that very moment so that you found it. My steadfast love and devotion to you encompasses all of the above. It is no wonder that you are undone in my presence, dear one, for my presence encompasses ALL of who I am and ALL of what I do. But what makes it so very powerful in the moment is that it is personalized just for you. It fulfills what you need in that moment. I am not a generic, uncaring God out in the ethers who checks in from time to time to see how things are going. NO!!! NO!!! I am ever-present within you. O how this should allow you to rest. O how this should give you peace. Your heart should overflow with joy at the very thought of this. And it is out of this that your praise and your worship and your gratitude flow. So let it flow, dear one. Let it flow. I am here with you waiting to receive it.
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