Author: Mark Virkler
Check out Mark Virkler's "How-To for Spirit-Anointed Living" Podcast
• 70+ titles with hyperlinks: https://www.cwgministries.org/podcast
Life-Changing Teaching - B Young, Illinois: "Mark Virkler’s teaching has done more to awaken my spirit and encourage my heart than any other Christian teacher. (And I’ve been a relentless student of God’s word and ways for six years, following at least a dozen teachers.) He understands what it is to live stuck in your head, desiring God but struggling to access the intimate relationship with Him that we’re told is possible. It IS easier than we think, and Dr. Virkler shows you how.
His own journey taught him the keys, and he teaches them with such clarity, practicality, self-effacing humor, enthusiasm, and confidence that EVERYONE who pays attention and follows his instructions breaks through to hear God’s voice and walk in deeper communion with Him. I gain immediately applicable knowledge, tools, revelation, and the motivation I need to apply them every single time I listen to Dr. Virkler teach a lesson.
I refer people to his “4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice” teaching routinely because it changed my life. And it was just the beginning of my journey through his materials. I continue to grow stronger in communion with God every time I tune in to hear what Dr. Virkler is teaching. Take a listen! Especially if you are an analytical thinker. You will not be disappointed." (Overall rating 4.8)
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