Author: Charity Kayembe
“Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?
(Hebrews 1:14)
Who are angels? What do they do, and who do they do it for? Can angels bring prosperity and provision? Have they ever played a role in healing? And is there such a thing as "matchmaking angels"?
It doesn't matter what you think about angels, and it doesn't matter what I think about angels. It matters what God thinks. And how do we know what He thinks? By diving deep into His Word and exploring several of the 365 verses He has included in the Bible about angels. Far from being a minor or marginalized topic, God saw to it that we had many, many Scriptures revealing His intention for these heavenly beings... one for every day of the year!
Last month I spoke at Ephrata Community Church and I shared in my previous blog how the Sunday morning teaching resonated so beautifully with the children there. Hallelujah! I realized I could easily share this message with you, so you in turn could share it with the friends, family, and children in your life who are interested in learning more about what the Bible teaches on angels.
Most Christians are surprised to realize how much Scripture is actually devoted to this subject, which shows us just how important angels are to God. And it is precisely because God honors the service of His angels so highly that we choose to honor angelic ministry as well.
(If you are reading this in an email, click here to watch the video on our website.)
Free Video Event
If you enjoyed that introductory overview of angels, you will love our video series on the topic! Seeing in the spirit is not just for "seers" and prophets. We ALL have spiritual eyes and we can ALL see into the spiritual realm. You just need to be taught how!
Join our online event and don't just hear me share my stories of angel adventures, but see my niece explain how her guardian angels help her with dance recitals and math class. Watch other powerful student testimonies, and best of all, experience your very own encounter with the Lord of Hosts and His heavenly hosts. Jesus can't wait to introduce you to His friends!
We are providing complimentary viewing of all 9 sessions of this incredibly unique and fun series during our worldwide video event. Access to this valuable training is being offered at no cost, but only for a very limited time. So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and tell everyone you know because it’s happening soon and you don’t want to miss it.
Christmas Sale
And if you just can’t wait to learn more about angels and how to see them yourself, check out our Digital Master Package on Everyday Angels.
We have also created Angel Ministry Cards for easy sharing, or bless your friends this Christmas with a USB drive loaded with one of our Spirit Life training courses (about $300 worth of materials on each USB), on sale now for only $50! Each USB has all the training materials for one of our unique Spirit Life topics, including:
- Dream Mastery – Simple steps to interpreting your dreams
- Unleashing Healing Power – Simple steps to releasing health through Kingdom emotions
- Everyday Angels – Simple steps to experiencing angels
- EFT for Christians – Simple steps to tapping into emotional freedom
These small USB drives are perfect gifts for friends and family that live at a distance. Just put them in your Christmas card – no wrapping, no standing in line at the UPS store to send them, no expensive postage, and a truly life-changing gift that lasts!
You are also invited to take advantage of our Christmas Sale going on now through December 25th. Just use coupon code CHRISTMAS25 to receive 25% off everything else in our store – including ebooks, packages, and digital downloads.
Merry Christmas!
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