Author: Mark Virkler
Jesus asks, "Are you watching for those that feel unworthy and unloved?"
Linda Garmon sent me this Bible meditation about the Samaritan woman at the well (see John 4:1-42).
Linda - I have read this story so many times and I always comes away with questions. Lord, I look at this woman and I wonder about her life. From what is recorded I can see that she has had more than her share of broken relationships and heartache with 5 marriages. She ends up an outcast, and is living with a man, unmarried, either by her choice or his choice when she meets you, Lord. The fact that you would walk all the way to Samaria to talk to this lonely, broken woman speaks volumes to me. Lord, talk to me about this encounter.
Jesus - The Father had shown me this woman in my prayer time. So my trip to Samaria was intentional; I came because of her. She came to the well for water, but she was thirsty for more than drinking water. She had a deep longing to be accepted, to be known and understood and still be loved. I am drawn to those whose hearts and lives are broken. I am a healer of the broken-hearted. There were reasons in that time period that a man would divorce his wife. If there was adultery, the woman could end up stoned to death, but if there were other reasons she could be set aside and be left feeling broken, used, rejected, inadequate and shamed.
She expected that I would be like all the others, to treat her with disdain. But I came for her, to accept from her what she had to give, which was water, in exchange for what I had to offer her, the supernatural water of life. I came to show her that she was seen and known and that I was not repulsed by her or surprised by her past or even her present situation. I came to tell her exactly who I am, and that she was known and loved.
Linda - Lord, I know the heartache of a failed marriage, but I have two amazing children even from a failed marriage and that softened the hurt a little. Was this woman barren?
Jesus - Beloved, that will be a question you can ask her when you meet her, for that is her testimony to tell. It’s enough for you to know that throughout her life she felt unwanted and unworthy. That she expected to be rejected, by both men and women. Linda, my daughter, there are so many now hurting like this woman, feeling used and cast aside. They feel unworthy and unloved. Will you watch for them? Will you go to them when I ask you to? Will you let me fill you with my love and compassion so that I can pour it from you into those who have lack?
Linda - Yes, my Lord. I love you. Please use me for whatever you desire.
Jesus - Feel my heart, beloved one. For I am yours and you are mine, always.
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