Author: Mark Virkler
The reason we are still in captivity is… (Answer is straight from Scripture)
If you access any non-government news, you are daily appalled at the evil being exposed all around us. Enough to depress a person if they don’t know why this is happening. Well, here is the Scripture verse the Lord brought to my remembrance this morning, and I believe it is a prophetic word as to the moment we are in.
"In the fourth generation they shall return here, for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete." (Gen. 15:16)
So the Lord was saying the Israelites needed to wait for 400 years in Egyptian captivity as slaves until the iniquity of the Amorites was complete, and THEN God would supernaturally deliver them, which HE DID DO!
Growing up I trusted my government and medical establishment and religious institutions. At this point, my view is that they are exactly like these institutions were when Jesus walked in Galilee. The Roman government was corrupt. Jesus told the religious leaders that they were corrupt. And the woman with the issue of blood had already spent all her money with their medical system and was not helped, so she came to Jesus and received healing.
I guess that institutions have always been corrupt. Their goal becomes: I need to protect my job, life, and paycheck. I will do whatever is necessary to fulfill these goals. Unfortunately, that is also true of many in the church (which is truly sad), as we are the ones who are commissioned to lay down our lives and follow Jesus, even if it means giving up our riches as Jesus asked the rich young ruler to do. The Bible predicts that at the end of the age people will have a form of godliness but deny its power (2 Tim. 3:5). One of my goals has always been to find myself in Scripture and take any corrective course of action necessary.
The solution to living under law (as all institutions require) is to live by the Spirit (Rom. 8), to honor the rule of God in our hearts (Col. 3:15).
So before we, the people, are ready to come against evil, we must identify that iniquity which surrounds us and listen to God for His steps to remove it and replace it with righteous leadership. One simple example is that the U.S. Constitution called for the states to have almost all the power, and only very limited power to be given to the central government. Today, three letter agencies have taken control over the states. Thankfully several states are rediscovering their constitutional rights and asserting them (Florida is one example). We need a radical change in all institutions so we can move forward in freedom, righteousness, and harmony.
Since step one is having our eyes open, I am suggesting you access non-government-controlled media. Here are a couple of sources I access regularly that will get you started. Below are links to specific posts, but you can then connect with these resources and get information daily and weekly.
- Coffee and Covid – Daily news from a down-to-earth lawyer. Sign up for free daily updates. Yes, I do read this every morning with my cup of coffee.
- Tucker Carlson WORLD FIRST Interview Since Leaving Fox! (pardon the crude language in a couple of spots). Ongoing Tucker Carlson videos can be found here.
- Flashpoint – a Christian perspective on up-to-date news.
- Health - Mercola: A Simple Way to Reduce Inflammation and Chronic Disease or click here to get his weekly emails. Here are the grounding items we purchased and use: During the day and while we sleep.
Action steps: Get informed. Pray for divine intervention. Get your marching orders from the Lord. Now march, let your light shine, and illumine your area so darkness is forced to flee!
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