Author: Mark Virkler
I sense we are in a time where God is exposing evil, with the intended purpose that the righteous will rise up and overcome it.
We ARE the light of the world. It is time for us to take ourselves and our light into these corrupted institutions and shine as lights to the world. Thankfully many are waking up to this responsibility and asking God what He wants them to do to disciple their portion of this world.
This chart was referenced in this article.
I highly encourage you to read this post where 20,000 studies are
now compiled so we can see what has happened.
What could we do to move the Church from fifth on the above list to number one? Here are my suggestions.
- Teach them that faith works by LOVE (Gal. 5:6), and that Jesus moved by compassion healed (Matt. 14:14).
- Teach His sheep how to hear His voice and how to interpret dreams so they can receive wonderful counsel from the Wonderful Counselor.
- Teach them to cast out demons and heal the sick so people can be restored to fullness of health.
- Teach them the 12 divine exchanges we received because of Calvary.
- Teach them to preach the gospel of the kingdom rather than the gospel of salvation - Kingdom is God's rule as Lord and King of all.
- Teach them to fix their eyes on the risen Christ rather than the anti-christ - what you see is what you get.
- Teach them to not fear but to be the light that enlightens the world so they spread faith, hope, and love everywhere they go (1 Cor. 13).
The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom. 14:17) = Vibrant, healthy living!
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