Author: Flavien Williams
The first Saturday morning of every month Flavien Williams and Mark Virkler have an open Zoom meeting which all current and past CLU students may attend. If you are a current or past CLU student, you may sign up here to be notified of these upcoming meetings. Below is part of what Flavien shared in our last meeting. I believe it will be a blessing to all.
We can move from a life of lack into true kingdom abundance. When Joseph came into Potiphar’s house as a slave he worked to the honor and glory of God. As a result, God’s favor was on his life. We see this in Genesis 39:4, “So Joseph found favor in his sight, and served him. Then he made him overseer of his house, and all that he had he put under his authority.”
God is the source of all our blessings. In everything we do we should always give more than we are being paid for. God is the one who will elevate us in due time. God is the one who will cause blessings to flow into our lives from the north, south, east, and west. E. W. Kenyon in his book Signposts on the Road to Success said, “No man can hold down a man or woman who within themselves has the yeast to rise.” If God is for you no one can be against you!
While visiting a great cathedral in Europe a tourist saw a worker carving something on top of a beam. “What are you doing?” asked the tourist. To which the man replied, “I am carving a bird on top of this beam.” The tourist looked rather puzzled and said, “I cannot see it.” The worker looked down and with a great big smile said, “God sees!!”
Everything we do must always be done in the light of God who sees.
Prophetic word through Flavien
I can see a large stream of oil flowing from heaven pouring over the earth. Then I hear the Lord saying, “The oil of my provision. The oil of my provision. The oil of my provision. I am pouring the oil of my provision on all who believe and walk in obedience to my word. As my people do as I have asked them to do, I am making a way through the deserts of their lives.
“I am causing rivers to flow through the dry areas of their lives. I am causing seeds to spring up in areas which were once barren. Just as a dormant volcano coming to life, I am causing many in my body to have a new lease on life. I am causing dreams that were dead to come back to life. I am causing ministries that were dead to come back to life. I am causing visions which were dead to come back to life. I am causing assignments which were abandoned to be picked back up again.
“I am causing a whirlwind of my glory to blow, blow, blow through my body, and shake loose everything that can be shaken. The lies of the enemy have bound many of my people, and I am shaking loose my people from the word curse of their past. I am shaking loose my people from the disappointments of the past. I am shaking loose my people from the hurts of the past. I am shaking loose my people from the inadequacies of the past. I am calling my people to be as bold as a lion.
“Rise up! Rise up! Rise up! For my glory will pour down on you in a mighty way as you get up and do what I have called you to do. Get up and occupy until I come. Get up, and dig your heels into the ground, and take back what the evil one has stolen from you. When you do, you will see me move mightily in your life. I will cause the enemy to return sevenfold what he has stolen from you. I am singing over you. I am singing a new song of love and grace over you. I am singing a song of deliverance over you. I am breaking the spirit of poverty off from you. I am causing you to move from a life of lack into true kingdom abundance!”
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