Author: Mark Virkler
Probably our favorite text assigned while Patti and I attended Roberts Wesleyan College was the book, A Harmony of the Gospels by Stevens and Burton. In this same class, we were also assigned The Life and Teaching of Jesus Christ by James S. Stewart. You can read the first two chapters free here.
We had never studied the full life of Jesus from beginning to end before. We had also never noted how each of the gospel writers recorded different stories from Jesus’ life, or if they told the same story, how they each wrote it with slight differences in perspective. It was all so exciting to see and to understand!
So I went looking to see what I could find online that could perhaps offer you the same wonderful experience that we had. The Harmony by Stevens and Burton doesn't seem to be readily available, but I found this fascinating link which I think you would really enjoy: a Harmony of the Four Gospels. Check it out and see if it is something you might want to go through in your Bible meditation time. Here is another chart you can print out which you may find helpful as well.
You can never spend too much time meditating on the life of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior! There is no richer experience available.
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