Author: Tony Francis
I sense the delight of Yeshua in my heart for what is coming.
I even see the Lord in a vision right now flipping the calendar himself and turning it to welcome the new. I see a remnant from his people in his presence who were purged and went through so much. You are among those remnants and God is going to do exploits through you!
I see the Lord speaking with each one of his remnants in specific ways, it is like he is giving each one a specific and unique mandate for this year. I am now taken in the spirit to the instance in the bible where the roof or the ceiling was torn by faith-filled people to lower down their friend in need of a miracle. Those remnants are not just faith-filled believers, what qualifies them is the violence they have in their faith for Jesus, an aggressive faith-filled believer. Great faith & exploits will mark this year. As the world is heading toward extremism in almost everything, so shall kingdom people but not all will respond, just the remnant.
As I was looking at the year 5783, I realized that it has three odd numbers and one even and that ONE even number felt ODD to me because it stands alone. I felt the Holy Spirit is highlighting that we will see in this year the ODD, the unusual, the strange, miracles, signs, and wonders in the hands of the remnant, the violent in faith. You will be a sign for Yahweh this year. God is not calling strange people or promoting weirdness but the supernatural and the ODD will be so visible through his people. This also makes sense to me, and I can witness it even in the natural because aren’t we seeing ODD laws, a new breed of sexual beings, etc.?
In the year 5783, the anointing of the Holy Spirit is so rich, so present, and so available like never before because it is the anointing that breaks the yoke of bondage and nowadays not only individuals are oppressed and demonically possessed but also whole nations. God’s anointing is richly available for you to serve the earth that is groaning for FREEDOM. This year will be marked by the anointing of the Holy Spirit! Halleluiah.
I am now in the spirit standing before the throne of God and I am allowed to hear strange, big prayers, prayers that feel so new to heaven because the needs on the earth changed, and what we are dealing with nowadays is extreme, very extreme. A new level in intercession and intercessors will emerge and will allow the Spirit to pray through them what this era really needs. Those intercessors will not be intimidated by their big, new, and strange prayers because they know the Holy Spirit, follow him and know he is the one in charge of them.
Wow! I see crusades, crusades, and crusades, and even more, crusades happening in this coming year and forth. The Lord is also inviting his people to finance the kingdom, that’s why we will see the appearance of wealthy people who became abundant, it is an abundance with a purpose! Money will speak for eternity because it is used for the glory of the Lord. If you feel like going for a new business, go for it as the anointing is available for you this year and you will be among those who will bless and finance the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
I see the Holy Spirit moving among the children, like a children’s revival.
Tony Francis
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